Working from home sounds like the ideal job, especially if you don’t have to travel anymore.
But, can your kids stay with you at home?
We will bring you 8 reasons why your kids need to stay with you at home and how you can manage it perfectly. Read till the end to find the perfect advice for you!
Make A Good Schedule
Having a good plan is crucial if you want to have everything under control. Work with your partner or kid and try to make a schedule together because in that way everyone will know the schedule and can stick to it. A good schedule is realistic; it is time real and consists of all activities you need to finish that day. Hang it on some visible spot and be sure to cross or tick everything you have done before. Try to involve your kid in the process and teach them time management and finishing obligations.
Preparation Is The Key
Good preparation can save you a lot of time when you are busy, especially during the working week. Precooked meals and snacks can save you even if you don’t stick to the plan. There are many useful dishes that you can cook before or during the weekend and hold in the freezer. Also, prepare enough clothes for the week and organise it in the closet. This will save you the time of choosing and for washing or ironing clothes.
Explain Your Behaviour
Kids can be confused that you are home, but don’t spend time with them. Explain to them that you have your duties to finish and that you can’t focus on them at every moment. It will be easier for them not to lose the habits and schedule they have on a normal day, so as you have your obligations, teach them to start the day as usual and do their obligations as well. Also, answer their questions about your job as a part of their education.
Make Frequent Pauses
When you have a toddler, frequent pauses are obligated and you can agree that with your employer. In those pauses, you can feed them or play with them, so they don’t feel alone or bored. You can still finish some small chores in pauses, but don’t forget about yourself. Use those pauses to finish your work, to eat and relax. Chores and other household obligations can be done later. A few smaller pauses rather than one longer are better for you because you can easily concentrate on the work again.
Make An Agreement
Consider your child a reasonable person and agree to be good and polite during your work or meetings. They should distinguish when you work in silence and they can talk to you or when you have a meeting and you can’t answer their questions. They should know that you will always help them, but won`t play with them. Also, you can propose an extra hour of watching TV or eating sweets if they behave as expected.
Make A Room For Your Work
As your kids have room for playing, you should consider making yourself some quiet space to be your working desk. It doesn’t have to be a separate room, but they must know that it is only for work and they mustn’t touch your stuff. It is a good idea to be on the same floor with your kid, so going in the attic or in the basement is great only if somebody is watching youngsters. Also, don’t use the kitchen or living room as an office, rather pick a bedroom where you can close a door when needed.
Ensure Fun Activities
Your kids need to have some activities that will keep them occupied during your work time. Also, don’t expect that they will be occupied with only one activity. Watching TV or playing video games isn’t a good idea, you can allow them an hour of that. There are plenty of DIY games they can try without sharp objects, like scissors. Those activities need to have supervision. If you have a toddler, you can always carry them in the chest carrier and calm them down.
Ask For Help
When you have a lot to do or an important meeting, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Grandparents are always a good option, but if you can`t make it rent a nanny. It is also a good idea to take them to kindergarten every day for a few hours. They will play with peers which is good for social skills, you will still have more time with them and to do your activities.
Author Bio
Susan is an author of excellent articles about organising jobs or making your office a place with a good working atmosphere. If you want to read more articles about office organisation, whether you work from home or in office, visit the OfficeNeedle site.