Photo by Mikey Harris on Unsplash
Working remotely is the future for many industries, from content marketing to telecommunications. If you feel like you can’t focus as a remote worker, it might be time to get out of your home office.
Whether you’re in charge of an entire team or report to a manager, a workation (work vacation) might be exactly what you need to get out of your home office and out into the world.
Since remote work is the future of the workplace, workations will become a household term. This guide will teach you four steps on how to take advantage of working from wherever you please.
- Get it approved
The first step to taking a successful workation is similar to the first step of taking a normal vacation: Get it approved before you start packing any bags. Odds are your employer wants to show appreciation to their remote employees. Submit a request in your online platform and carefully lay out how you plan on getting work done while you’re in a different city or state. It also might be a good idea to take your travel days completely off so you don’t have to worry about working at 30,000 feet.
- Keep your work secure
It doesn’t matter if you’re working from home or from a Kiahwah Island vacation rental in South Carolina, you need to ensure that your work is secure. You can do this by installing a VPN on your computer so prying eyes can’t get ahold of sensitive work information and email exchanges. Other ways to keep your password safe while traveling include using a password manager or two-factor authentication.
- Set Boundaries
Ensuring that you set personal and professional boundaries is essential to having a successful telecommuter vacation. If you are taking a workation with your family, make sure that you set clear parameters for when it’s time for work and when you can relax. The same can be said for remote work boundaries: Manage your remote team to ensure your coworkers know when you will be online and when they are not allowed to contact you.
- Enjoy Yourself
This step should go without saying, but it’s important that you enjoy yourself on your workation. Don’t overload yourself with work but don’t slack off, either. It’s important to find a balance so you can really enjoy the “-ation” part of your workation.
Now that you have all the steps to take a workation, it’s time to get on your HR platform and take some travel days off!