The last couple of years has brought on a big change to where and how we work. With many of us working remotely from home, it’s brought on the flexibility that’s allowed us more time to focus on health and fitness goals. Random workouts during your work day and healthy meals at home during your lunch break, these daily habits have been a huge part of keeping us healthy—physically and mentally. In fact, a survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that 6 in 10 people said working from home has made it easier for them to balance work and personal life.
But, with many gearing up to head back into the office, it may be hard to keep up with these healthy habits we’ve adopted. With Employee Health and Fitness day approaching on May 18th, here are a few tips on how you can keep those good habits alive no matter where you work.
Make Time for Movement
With so much flexibility throughout your day while working from home, making time for exercise was a lot easier. A quick change into your workout clothes and you were out the door for a quick sweat session away from your desk. But, when returning to the office, you might not have as much flexibility or time to get up from your desk and enjoy a workout. Here are a few tips to maintain your fitness from anywhere.
In office:
- Take a walk during your lunch break to get your steps in.
- Embrace your daily commute by biking or walking to work.
- Utilize your office gym or do a stair workout for a quick burn.
- Use your lunch break to hit the gym, go for a run or try out a new workout class.
- Replace the time you would have spent commuting to work in the morning with a morning workout, like yoga or HIIT.
Eat Healthy Meals
A study conducted by the American Heart Association found that 82% of employees said that having healthy food options at work is important to them. Here are a few ways you can strive for eating healthy meals in the workplace.
In office:
- Prep your lunch and snacks the night before and reach for ones that are nutritious—like fruits, veggies and nuts.
- Suggest healthy food and snack options for your employer to stock the office kitchen with.
- Plan your lunch and snack times so you’re able to take a break and eat nutritious options.
- Shop and prepare food that you will look forward to eating.
For more tips on how you can stay healthy and fit no matter where you’re working, check out the infographic below.