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Brand recognition is a crucial part of any company’s marketing strategy. It is one of the most essential and elusive elements of modern marketing, but it can take time to achieve. Increasing brand awareness without spending money on expensive advertising campaigns can be challenging. Here are simple ways you can start increasing brand recognition today:
Display Your Logo
Logos are the first step in creating brand recognition. They can be displayed prominently on your website, business cards, social media accounts, and more. In addition to using your logo on printed materials, consider creating custom products such as mugs or t-shirts with your logo on them. This way, you can spread awareness without spending money on advertising campaigns or other marketing strategies.
Put your logo in a visible location, like custom logo mats that people see when entering and exiting. Not only is this an excellent way to get people to recognize you, but it also allows them to quickly refer back to you when they want another product or service. Having a recognizable logo also helps differentiate yourself from competitors and makes it easier for customers to remember what exactly about your company stood out from the rest. If you do not have a logo, use decals or signs instead.
In-House Branding
Create a brand that is unique, authentic, and consistent. This can be achieved by keeping all marketing materials on point with the same logo, colors, and taglines. Use consistent messaging across all communications: Consistent messaging makes it easier for people familiar with your brand to recognize you in new spaces (or at least remember that you exist). For example, if you’re trying to reach an audience through social media channels like Facebook or LinkedIn (after all, these sites aren’t built specifically for B2B), then don’t try to change up your tone or style just because it’s different from how you communicate in other channels like print ads or even direct mail pieces. Today’s brands need to provide an experience that delivers value to their customers to survive and thrive in this new era of branding.
Define Your Audience and Meet Them Where They Are
You can only begin to build brand recognition with a firm understanding of who your target audience is. Who do you want to attract? How do they think and act? What are their needs, desires, and frustrations?
You’ll also need to decide where to find them. Are they primarily digital natives or old-school TV viewers? The answers will help inform the type of content that works best for your brand. You may even have relationships with some of these people (e.g., teachers at local high schools). Either way, it’s crucial to identify your audience and how best to reach them and engage with them on their terms—through direct mailers or social media ads in their newsfeeds.
Think Outside the Box
If you want to increase brand recognition, think outside the box. That means looking at your product or service from a different perspective and considering how it could be presented in new and unexpected ways. By looking outside our industry, we are able to come up with some excellent ideas that make sense. The key is thinking about what others are doing well—and then making sure your brand gets noticed in those same places. Also, make sure your customers remember their experiences with your company. Positive memories are more likely to stick in people’s minds than negative ones.
Find the Right Partnerships
Partnerships are a great way to increase brand recognition, but you must find partners who are a good fit for your business. For example, if you’re selling high-end handbags and accessories, you want to avoid partnering with an athletic shoe company. You should also be creative with your partnerships. Be sure that whatever partnership is right for you maintain control of your brand while providing mutual benefits and opportunities.
Many brands compete for customers, so it’s essential to do whatever it takes—even if it means breaking some rules. Branding is constantly changing and evolving, but with these strategies at your disposal, hopefully, you’ll be well on your way to being recognized as one of today’s best-in-class brands.
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