Investing in markets with future profitability is pretty much the whole idea behind investing. You wouldn’t invest in the VHS market as of now, and there are reasons for that. Companies or individuals looking to bring themselves to a new and interesting (and always profitable) market will care about the future trends, patterns, and hopefully increasing stock.
There are many ways to invest. You might decide to simply hedge fund. You might act as an angel investor. You might arrange the apparatus yourself to become a functional member of the market, and try to gain in your own unique business application. What matters first though is knowing where to invest, and what markets are potentially fruitful.
We’re here to help nudge you in the right direction:
Bitcoin is blowing up right now. Not only is it responsible for the real chagrin of gamers all over the world thanks to mining rigs costing more and more to acquire thanks to massive demand for PC components, but the currency itself threatens to act as a real alternative to our centralized, more easily taxed measures. It’s not uncommon for medium-sized bitcoin farms to earn anywhere in the region of 5 – 6 bitcoins a month – currently valued at around $7,500 at the time of this writing.
This means that investing in markets, not only in Bitcoin-based generation suites, but in businesses that accept this form of currency as standard could be a great move for the forward-thinking hedge fund manager. This will likely become the new standard in only a matter of years, so positioning yourself to make the most of it can work wonders for you and your firm. However, be sure to keep a watchful eye over your bitcoin interest. It’s becoming more and more popular for the up-and-down shifting daily value to make people obsess as they might gambling. Keep a careful eye over your mining or investments, but also be sure to treat this exciting yet slightly volatile new market with care and consideration.
Nuclear power is gaining more and more investment all the time. As the government subsidizes more nuclear power plants thanks to a push towards more renewable fuel sources, you can be sure that the pure ingredients and construction materials will be in high demand. In fact, firms such as Boss Resources (Uranium Mining & Exploration Company) are one of the best in the industry, sourcing uranium in highly ethical and considered ways. They are set to be one of the biggest Uranium producers in Australia as of this moment.
Investing in a firm like this could yield you some real profitability in the future, but so could diligently educating yourself of operations, and how the trend of uranium sourcing is continually becoming more and more refined.
This can truly yield you plenty of exciting opportunities, as the world becomes cleaner and climate change accords are kept up with, at least in most parts of the world.
Precious Metals
Of course, precious metals have always been valuable, since the day that the first human was dazzled by his first mined piece of gold. However, metals in the modern-day serve as more collateral to help keep your money safe. While tying money in stocks can be a wise way to diversify your portfolio, it’s not wrong to suggest that might not be the most reliable method of doing so.
Investing in precious metals can act as a more concrete resource, something that is sure to hold it’s value for a long time, and potentially may increase. Just remember that storage solutions will often be offered for the best investing firms, or you can tie this up in liquid inventory. This is the least fluctuant stock option that you might invest in, so it can really serve as a long-term investment and saving strategy in the modern day. Despite our consumerist disposable culture seemingly placing a temporary price tag on everything, you can be sure that precious metals will stand the test of time and will be the one thing you want to hear where your money is concerned – predictably priced.
Automation is going to explode in the next ten years. While self-driving cars have experienced a few mishaps as of late, companies and car manufacturers around the world are diligently trying to invent a vehicle capable of driving itself. This can mean plenty for the way in which we consider our travel, but can also potentially wipe out an entire employment sector from the map – one of the biggest in fact, and that is delivery and long-haul drivers. However, automation isn’t only relegated to the car market. It’s important to know that as the computing software becomes more complex, less and less low-skilled staff will be needed to take care of menial job responsibilities.
We’re already seeing terminals replacing staff on the fast food market floors, but soon it could be very normal to complete your daily shopping without a staff member in sight. This does sound pretty surreal from a far off perspective, but so would an iPhone to someone living in the eighties. It’s essential to understand that investing in businesses before they explode is always a good idea, and with the potential upcoming prevalence of the automation market, tying up your stock investment here could be a crazy method of gaining long-term profitability.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is also set to explode. This is because what is now an awkward and slightly funny set of gaming peripherals will soon be the standard in watching movies, playing videogames, and interacting with people from around the world. It’s likely that at-home entertainment will bne more popualr than ever, and as such cinemas around the world will need to adopt either VR like functionalities or preserve the ‘classic’ art of movie watching. However, it’s not just the way in which we view movies will changes. The movies themselves will develop to consider the viewer as part of the story. This is just to talk about movies, and not about potential meetings of minds from across the world, or how online lectures are taught, or how video games are played, or how digital workspaces are shared.
The revolution is truly here for the always connected world, and it does seem like VR is at the crest of that wave.
With these markets to invest in and become excited about – not only do you enjoy the best of what modern markets have to offer, but you could make some significant return in the process.
Yes, where to invest is the right question indeed. I am having a struggle which is which. I don’t want to simply hand over my savings and that’s it, right? I have to study the market which works for me the best and of course, which yields the most interest.