Strategy is important for any business large or small. Check out these 6 tips for creating a successful business strategy today!
Every 39 seconds there’s a cyber attack costing individuals and companies millions of dollars and destroying reputations.
There’s nothing that undermines management more than a breach of security. No matter how successful your management is or how clearly defined your organizational structure is it can all be wiped away with one well-timed attack.
If you don’t want this to be your company then you need to think long and hard about how management will deal with security vulnerabilities.
Luckily we’ve created a plan to help you make a successful business strategy for your company with vulnerability in mind.
1. Make Cybersecurity Part of Your Vision Statement
Your vision statement declares your objectives as a company. It tells the world what your focus is and what your goals are. As well as how you plan to shape your actions to achieve those goals.
If you want to tell the world that you value cybersecurity and privacy spell it out in your vision statement.
2. Review Your Strengths and Weaknesses
The hardest part of making a successful business strategy especially if you’ve been in business a long time is giving an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses.
One good thing to look over is whether or not your company has FFIEC compliance. This is a set of online banking standards that help ensure data safety.
3. Know Who to Hold Accountable
Once a security breach happens everyone scrambles to find out who they should blame. This’ll lead to a nearly endless game of pass the buck.
If you want to build a strategy that’s effective you have to know how to hold accountable and potentially fire someone if an emergency happens.
When developing a business strategy you should have a clear chain of command so that each employee knows who to answer to.
4. Create a Rolling 3-year plan
A key part of developing a business strategy is knowing where you supposed to be at any point in time. This should also extend to vulnerability management.
You should use the rolling 3-year plan to anticipate your security needs and plan solutions for any upcoming security threat.
The fact that it’s a rolling plan means that each you change and readjust the plan each based on what has already happened.
5. Performance Management
No matter how good we are at writing a business strategy and creating a plan it will all be ineffective if you don’t constantly make sure that you follow through.
This means writing quarterly or annual reports, making sure project managers are up to date on the latest threats and being sure you’re hitting your goals in a timely fashion.
6. Do a Risk Profile
When asking how to create a strategic plan that includes vulnerability management you need to know how to asses your risks. The best way to do this is to build a profile or outline of all the risks your vulnerable to.
When working with strategy development you need to factor cost into how you handle these risks. You need to understand what vulnerabilities you cannot afford to fix.
We’ll Help You Create a Successful Business Strategy!
Building a successful business strategy is a challenge but it will set your company apart. And will make it seem like a safer option than the competition. But there’s more to running a business like setting up payroll and dealing with clients.
If you want more help running your business feel free to contact us!
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