You’ve all seen the Budweiser Clydesdales during the Super Bowl. And how that brings tears to your eyes.
We’ll here’s another twist on the heartstrings pull that Bud does right.
Thank you Troy White for the post suggestion.
In yesterday’s post Get Saucy! I talked about how you can enter the conversation your prospects are having. And how when you do that well you get customers for life.
Well this video does something similar. It get’s people talking. It goes viral (I know that’s an overused term these days).
Why does it do that?
How many guys dreamed of hitting the big time? Very few do but many people crave that. That’s why they still play their sports well past middle age. Capturing the magic of their younger years. Knowing they’ll never have a packed stadium or hear the roar of the crowd.
Enter the “Fan Mob”
This “Fan Mob” does that. You’ve seen the “Flash Mob” version. Singers, dancers, surprising someone with what seems like an impromptu performance. This is that for the middle-aged athlete.
But who’s really the audience? Although the hockey players were the beneficiaries of the packed house. It really was the viewer. The beer drinking ex-athlete who’s going to be watching the next hockey/football/baseball/basketball game and imagine themselves making the plays.
And it is the wives and girlfriends of those guys who know how important those moments are to their man. And tear up thinking about it too.
It is Americana. As American as apply pie and motherhood (and happy early Mothers Day to all those moms out there).
How Can You Duplicate This In Your Business?
So as you’re thinking about your business. How can you build an emotional connection with your prospects? How can you link your products and services to the feelings you want them to connect to when they think of your services or products?
What stories can you tell?
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