If you own or manage a business the last thing you want is a death or injury in the workplace. This can lead to lawsuits, fines and even being closed down, so keeping your business a safe place to work in is really important. Here are a few tips to help you keep your workplace a safe environment for employees.
Protective equipment
No matter what business you are in there is always protective equipment needed. If you work in a kitchen it’s oven gloves, a building site requires a hard hat and gloves and if it’s a lab then safety goggles. No matter where you are there is always a requirement to have safety equipment on hand for anything that may happen. As said above protective eyewear is needed for anything that will have the chance to go in your eyes, like dust, liquids, and sparks. If you work in an environment that has the potential dangers of things falling then hard hats are required and so on, so any possible danger needs to have the equipment to protect from this.
As well as having the equipment to wear you also need equipment to help once a disaster has struck, so this would be fire extinguishers, fire blankets, shovels for snow and salt to de-ice any parking spaces and roads that lead to your business. All these things help to protect and prevent accident even after the incident may have already happened.
Protection Systems
Protection systems mean anything you can put in place that will help decrease or prevent an incident from occurring. So if you work on tall buildings as a builder having harnesses and fall protection systems for roofs in place can stop any danger of someone falling from the roof of the buildings you work on. Having fire alarms and any other warning devices in place would also be a great protection system, basically, anything that premediates danger occurring and has prevention in place to help stop any accidents happening.
Safety procedures
Having safety procedures in place is a great way to make sure all staff is accounted for and safe in the case of an emergency. Making sure the staff knows exactly where to go and stay if an alarm sounds or something happens means there is less panic and it is all kept more organized. It is also crucial to make sure you have appointed safety marshals who will take control of the situation, like doing a head count and name check and calling any emergency services that may be needed. Having a copy of the safety procedure and everything on the wall and labeled correctly is key to make sure there is no confusion during an emergency and everyone goes where they need to go.
Having the responsibility of keeping people safe isn’t easy but in business it is crucial to look after your staff and keep them safe. Just make sure you have these things implemented and you will decrease your chances of an accident and increase your chances of dealing with one efficiently if it may arise.
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