Is it the end of the world?
Or just a cool looking moon?
Heavenly occurrences often are used to explain dire consequences. Whether it is an eclipse or a blood moon or flood, famine, or earthquake. You name it, people impart meaning to it.
So how can this tie to marketing?
Well look a a couple key elements here.
Is it rare or unusual?
Check out the news, dates in history, pop culture. The unexpected, rare or unusual catch people’s attention. And catching attention is a critical element of marketing. Until you get someone’s attention, you can’t get them to listen to what you have to offer. And you definitely can’t sell them your product or service.
Is it timely?
Talking about something when it is trending on Twitter or showing up on TMZ or Breitbart or the Huffington Post catches people where they are. Talking about old news doesn’t move the needle with people. But tie it to the current buzz in the media, and you have the start of something good.
Can you relate the news item to your niche or offering?
Getting attention is a great start. But if you can translate that into how it matters relative to your offering, it is just amateurish bait and switch tactics that your prospects will see through.
But if it is something that you can tie in with a beautiful transition. And even better reference the item in your offer (like a “Blood Moon Eclipse Halloween Sale”) then you’re moving in the right direction.
How about a little history?
The Blood Moon Prophecy promoting the end of times could be just enough supporting information to guide an “End-of-Times Clearance” promotion. Your opportunities are only limited by your imagination.
Anyway, celebrate the Blood Moon in all its glory. And enjoy your last days. And if the prophecy doesn’t happen…well there’s always the next end of times marketing message to promote.
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