[Article republished from “Mondays with Mike – 2/19/18” email newsletter ==> Subscribe to get weekly newsletter in your inbox plus FREE REPORT]
Writing Resumes that Communicate Your Unique Value | Writing Marketing Content for Telecom Business Growth
[Article republished from “Mondays with Mike – 2/19/18” email newsletter ==> Subscribe to get weekly newsletter in your inbox plus FREE REPORT]
Photo credit: Nick Kenrick.. on Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA
[Article republished from “Mondays with Mike – 2/12/18” email newsletter ==> Subscribe to get weekly newsletter in your inbox plus FREE REPORT]
[Article republished from “Mondays with Mike – 2/5/18” email newsletter by John Hawthorne (full article here) ==> Subscribe to get weekly newsletter in your inbox plus FREE REPORT]
Entrepreneurs diving headfirst into a new business venture have more in common with LEGO enthusiasts than they would like to admit.
Your enterprise has reached a peak.
You’ve constructed the 3000 piece Death Star set… but, and here’s the caveat, you’ve only reached a peak, not THE peak.
Which leaves you with a few options.
You can stay your hand, hamper your imagination, and cage your ambitions. Basically, be as simple as humanly possible and simply “stay within the lines”. Or, and this is the pivotal moment that separates the mortals from the Steve Jobs, you can stare at your business and coworkers and say:
“This is a good start. Now let’s make this baby grow. Fellas’ burn the manual and let’s think outside the box.”
Of course, this sounds great…like something from a movie. But how do you make it a reality?
The best way to make your investment pay fruit is by exploring, beating and penetrating your own market. You already know your niche and target audience, now it’s time to really dig in.
You first instinct, “more business = more customers”, is the sort of gut feeling that sounds right, but isn’t actually true.
It’s more cost effective to convince people who already know your goods to break out their wallets and buy more of your wares. Getting new customers is much harder than working with existing ones.
Just like it’s easier to work with existing customers, a simple way to increase profits is to attract more people to your product.
Discover, promote and invent new uses for your products or services. Walk down any Walmart aisle and chances are that each and every product on that endless army of shelves has been sold to the public under a strange umbrella of practical, odd, zany and even miraculous properties. Properties that go way beyond their main purpose.
For example, consider all the people pitching the idea that all you need to survive the apocalypse is: WD-40, Olive Oil, Crazy Glue, Duct-Tape and Milk. None of these things was originally intended for disaster situations.
There’s a whole subsection on YouTube alone dedicated to this theme. Investigate your product, and discover in it things you never dreamed off. Nothing is too bizarre or too wacky; leave nothing off the table.
Here’s a great example: each time an authority figure says that “something something” has a previously unknown holistic quality, that something’s profit suddenly skyrocket.
Brand loyalty: you have to snare your public and make them unconditional devotees. Inspire in them religious fervor. There’s a reason you’ll never catch a Coca-Cola fan sipping a Pepsi. Why in certain states Bud reigns over Miller. Why some folks will only wear Nike for a marathon and never anything by Under Armour. There’s a reason why, every September, with the coming of the new iPhone, Apple stores have to bulk up their security.
It’s not a question of quality or quantity necessarily, it’s all about subjective perceptions.
You have to create, using both classic and non-traditional marketing techniques, a clear link between your product and your public’s self-image. The key to Brand Loyalty lies in making your wares essential facets of your client’s life. Intrinsically tie together your goods and the positive perception or construct they’ve made of themselves. Or, make them so reliant on you that it costs more for them to switch to someone else.
For example, consider Rolex. They have defined themselves as being the luxury watch. If you want to be seen as wealthy, you wear a Rolex. Or think of Nike and how they dominate the basketball world. Or Zappos and how they signify customer service.
Consider how you can inspire deep product loyalty in your customers. There are all sorts of simple ways, including:
If you manage to make zealots out of your audience, they’ll come back – time and time again – to your trough.
One of the best ways to attract new customers is to explore uncharted territories. Boldly go where your products have never gone before. Think about the various ways you could do this.
Digital advertising on platforms like Facebook and Google allow you to reach audiences you never thought possible.
These days, people in give more credence to what’s happening inside their phone’s screen to the discussion they are having over dinner. The lines between reality and Virtual Reality have blurred. You can take advantage of these blurred lines.
In most cases, spending some advertising money on a social media platform you didn’t even know existed, or a service that specifically targets an unknown buyer’s pool, might be more cost-effective than getting a loan for a new store location.
Ebay, Amazon, Tripadvisor, UBER, AirBnB, and hundreds upon hundreds of platforms peddle their services and products with the explicit help of their customers. The truth of the matter is that referrals, good costumer reviews, and positive experiences are the driving force for sales these.
Each star on Amazon, owl on TripAdvisor, or thumb up on Facebook, for any business venture, is like to getting a pat on the back by God. There’s a reason why certain enterprises go the distance, and are willing to sell off their mother, for a 100% review anywhere.
Scour the web and, I know it’s a pain, but list each and every platform out there (Google Maps, Snapchat, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, etc), then get some positive feedback. It’s a simple, time demanding practice, that will payoff in a big way.
If someone leaves an unfavorable review, follow up on immediately and make it right. Show customers that you are a trustworthy company.
Take a walk around your house, pick up random objects, and turn them around. That ladle, that alarm clock, that guitar set, that BluRay of Deadpool, that kitchen towel – what do most have in common? That’s right! 3 out of 4 have a big label that reads: “MADE IN CHINA”, and there’s a 50% chance the last one says: “MADE IN TAIWAN.”
If you want to make your business grow, then you have to look beyond state lines. Cast your eyes over the horizon and start thinking Internationally. Sometimes, it might seem strange, but the same qualities and characteristics that manage to keep your product safely hidden behind the eight ball in your neck of the woods, might be considered amazing overseas.
Here’s a clear example: ever wonder why Hollywood keeps dredging out so many innate sequels? Ever wonder why, despite the fact that the first one was a gigantic bomb in the box office, they suddenly decide to churn out a second helping? Because, overseas – in some exotic locale – that movie broke records. Let’s look at some numbers:
WARCRAFT the movie:
Domestic Sales: $47,225,655.
International Sales: $385,900,000.
It’s a plunge into unknown waters, and outlining and mastering an exportation plan is no easy task, but it’s one that pays off in gold.
And here’s the good news. Given that you don’t need a physical storefront to sell products to people in other countries, you can implement this without a huge amount of work.
Consider testing ads for your products in other countries. See which countries send the most traffic to your website and then target those countries with ads. Find out what products are popular in certain countries and see if you can tap into that popularity.
An IPhone, depending on the generation and model, costs about 350 to 435 dollars to make (that includes parts, assembly, transportation, marketing, rent, employees, etc.). Those same models are sold for 700 to 900 dollars. That’s a HUGE profit margin! Almost a 100%.
All great companies will swear by one fact: the secret to success is to bring the cost of manufacturing down, and maintain a semblance of quality. If you find this golden ratio, than you better start building a Scrooge McDuck bank for your gold coins.
What we are talking about is growing your business’s bottom line. Everything, no matter how small, takes a bite from your profits. Taxes – snap went those jaws. A/C at your office – crunch. Faulty overhead lamps – yummy went the profit devouring monster. Hour commute to work – a buffet.
Here’s a nice nice example. SG guitars used to manufacture their line of electric guitars in Taiwan. One day, a competing company approaches them with an offer:
“I can produce the low E string for 5 cents less than what they are charging you.”
The head haunches rushed madly into that handshake and moved – despite the overall initial cost of millions – to the new factory. In less than a year, their profits had skyrocket. Why? Because those five cents, spread out over so many guitars and products, equaled mountains of cash.
One small move, that might cost an arm and a leg at the beginning, might fundamentally change the dynamics of your revenues.
Scrutinize all your costs. Are there ways you can cut down on overhead? Can you cut production costs without sacrificing quality? Can you save on shipping? Each of these things represents potential growth for your small business.
Being the owner of a small business isn’t easy. You work long hours. You have to handle a lot of things that would normally fall to other people in a larger company. You have to be creative to beat out competitors.
But you get to be your own boss, the captain of your ship. You drive the train and you can take it into new, unexplored places.
While expansion might be scary, it can be done. Be creative. Maybe take a few small risks. You’ll be amazed at the payout.
By: John Hawthorne
[Article republished from “Mondays with Mike – 1/29/18” email newsletter ==> Subscribe to get weekly newsletter in your inbox plus FREE REPORT]
Photo via Foter.com
I asked this question in several freelance and side hustle related Facebook groups.
This is a common stumbling block for many first time side hustlers and entrepreneurs.
Great on ideas but often struggle to make that first sale… Or even get off the bench and implement.
The biggest suggestion from experienced entrepreneurs and side hustlers is…
“Just start!”
But with that sage advice the newbie often gets stuck on the…
So here’s some answers to your question,
“How do I land my first paid gig?”
The item in parentheses is the Facebook Group name the person responded from. If you’re looking to get your side hustle off the ground, I’d recommend checking some of these out.
George Krahn (80/20 Entrepreneurs)
About 10 years ago, I helped my massage therapist sell nutrition supplements online using Google AdWords.
It didn’t pay a lot, but the great results I was able to get and use as proof of success, allowed me to land my first big client.
That led to me eventually quitting my part-time job and going all in on freelance AdWords management.
From there, our agency grew to a team of 4 employees and 2 subcontractors: https://ProvenResultsAgency.com
Lee Hills (SH Nation)
Happy to share mine! Mine was through a freelance website PPH. I had the idea for an explainer video service. Back before explainer was a word or thing.
The service was based on explainer videos I had created for myself. I put it together as an offering and someone bought it. This confirmed that there was demand so I kept going! Began to develop the offering and my brand as things grew. Let me know if you want more of the story or more info 😉
Tiffany Dawn (SH Nation)
I do graphic design and sent an email to a number of my closest business contacts. Told them what I was doing, where I was hoping to taken it, and to please keep me in mind if I could help. One person responded and hired me to do the graphics for her campaign for Board of Directors for a national association. Word of mouth picked up from there! She continues to be one of my biggest cheerleaders and advocates, and has become a mentor.
Al Clunnie (Side Hustle Success Lab)
Way back I was chatting to an old friend and telling him I was learning about web development. He said he knew a guy that needed a website and put us in touch. That was it! I’m still working with this client on retainer even though I would never take the same type of client now.
CherylAnn Crego (Side Hustle Success Lab)
Tracey Minutolo (Side Hustle Success Lab)
When I made the decision to offer virtual services for podcasters, I reached out to a few podcasters I’d been following for awhile and asked them a few questions (which looking back now, amounted to some solid target market research) about what types of tasks they outsourced to virtual assistants, what they liked/disliked about their experiences with VA’s so far, etc. Two of those three podcasters became paying clients. 🙂
Jo-Elle Byrne (Serious Bloggers Only)
I’m lucky, my friend works as an SEO specialist and decided to set up his own business. He landed a gig for a shed company of all things and asked me to do the content marketing for it. Believe it or not it was a great gig and I learnt a lot from doing it. Plus, being paid to write was the dream right? ☺
Becky Gallion (SH Nation)
Threw up a post on craigslist.
Matthew Miele (Hobby Hustler Community)
Hey Mike, for me it was reaching out to local businesses and offering help for free.
I know some people who went straight to Facebook ads to an offer and that worked well too.
Dharmesh Barot (Hobby Hustler Community)
I got my first photography client when I offered free photos as part of a dog trainer’s classes.
My first freelance design client was one of the acquaintances I met during social events. Told them what I do and what I can offer to their part time business. They were so happy I got my 2nd project with them soon after.
I learned this technique from a book I read “Getting The Money” by Susan Lassiter. She said tell everyone you meet what you do and soon people will start recognizing you.
It took me 2-3 events and coffees to show my value.
Brian Seim (SH Nation)
I just started selling my services to non-profits I was involved with.
Kelly Boyles (Hobby Hustler)
Back in 1985, can’t recall how I found this guy. But I wrote five holiday-themed poems for a funeral home for $100. You can’t make this stuff up!
Jonathan Wilson (80/20 Entrepreneurs)
I circled back around to people I’d formerly worked with in other places.
Donna Regen (Serious Bloggers Only)
Mike McRitchie I am now getting some paid gigs after a few unpaid gigs, but the unpaid gigs served as published work samples, and that is what helped in securing the paid gigs. So I would would say they are worth doing.
Beverly Boerner-Reynolds (Hobby Hustler Community)
Hey there Mike. My shortened story goes something like this…9 years ago, my son was born to us through adoption. Shortly before that, I was contracted to created an animated training course, much like Cardone University, for the 10xers in this group. I have 20 plus years of training and instructional design experience and that was the first assignment that caused me to get a DBA, buy my own software versions and learn how to do all pieces of the project.
So, not only did I have to learn some of the software, but I knew that at anytime during the project – our son could be born and make us new parents. I was under a time crunch, but finished it without the audio – they contracted that piece separately and paid me accordingly. That was the first major project that taught me on the fly that I could do all aspects from the writing, development and animation!
Before that project, I didn’t think I could do it, but the project sponsors loved my corporate work and trusted my services, so I had to trust in me!!! This was not my first gig, but my first LARGE-SCALED gig!
Heston Glenn (80/20 Entrepreneurs)
Desperation. I was trying to pitch a family member a pyramid scheme, and failed. I needed money, so I asked them if I could coach them in their current business for free for a month. They agreed, and we’re still going 5 years later.
Brandon Traynor (Hobby Hustler Community)
Not a huge break, and not my main business, but a while ago I actually got a job delivering pizza 2 days a week just to get to know the owner. Now I run the social media for all his stores for a good bit of money a month. Obviously no longer deliver pizzas 🤣
Brian P. Hower (80/20 Entrepreneurs)
I learned something of great value, applied it first for myself. It proved to be a fantastic system and concept. At that point I knew that just about every existing small business and/or business minded individual/entrepreneur should also be doing it. I had no trouble gaining my first paying client because I am supremely confident that my offer is great, that they need it and that I am the best one to help them.