Divorce can be a complicated process. The relationship did not work out, and now you and your former partner need to move on to heal.
Divorce can also be an opportunity for a fresh start. Some people may find divorce as a time to try to transition to a new career.
This move can be a tricky one for some. When going through a divorce, all aspects of your life are affected. For some people, the adverse effects of their personal life and negatively affect their work life.
On the other hand, a new career can be just the thing some people need to move on.
While the prospect of two life-changing events can be daunting for some, others see the potential positive outcomes. The benefits of a better life can outweigh any potential challenges.
The divorce mediation process in California can be lengthy and changing careers can draw the process out. A drastic change in income can mean more time in court before the divorce gets finalized.
There are several pros and cons to changing your career after a divorce. Let’s explore a few of them. We will also provide some helpful advice if you think about moving to a new job following your divorce.
The Benefits of Changing Your Career
If you start a new career with some flexibility, it can make you available for your children for school-related functions and medical needs. Also, showing you are working hard to provide for your family is always a positive.
A new career allows you to begin to live for yourself and your children. Perhaps you were a stay-at-home parent, and now you can do something you always wanted to do.
If you don’t have any experience in the field you plan to enter, focus on the required or related skills. Also, showing a willingness to learn and improve can go a long way as well.
The court will want to see that you are making a positive change for yourself and your children. Taking on a new position that will help you better provide for your family will usually be seen positively, even if it is a struggle at first.
The Disadvantages of a Career Change
While a career transition after a divorce is the right move for some, it can be damaging for others. The extra stress and pressure can sometimes do more harm than good in the end.
Divorce proceedings and mediation in California can be a lengthy and drawn-out process. As such, it can take a lot of your energy, time, and focus. That can cause issues with starting a new career if your attention is divided. You want to make an excellent first impression with your boss and colleagues. If you seem distracted or not working at your best, it can harm your career prospects.
It would help if you also considered any changes in income. While taking on a new career that pays a higher salary may reflect well on you regarding alimony or child support payments, taking a pay cut can have the opposite effect. Even if you are taking a job for less pay because you feel it will be more rewarding, the judge may see it as a way of reducing your financial responsibilities.
A career change also means more due diligence by both parties’ attorneys when assessing finances. This is particularly important when deciding child support and division of assets. This examination of finances will likely draw out the divorce proceedings, so if you are looking for a quick resolution, now may not be the time to pursue your dream career.
Do What is Best for You
In the end, no one can decide to transition to a new career but you. Just know that the court will scrutinize any career change, and they will consider it.
If you are working towards providing a better life for your children and your financial responsibilities, it will likely be looked upon favorably. Make sure that a new career change will still allow you a good work/life balance.
Before making any decisions, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
- What will make me happy?
- Can I still provide for or improve the life of my children?
- Do I have the potential to be in a better position than I am now?
Take these things into consideration, and then make the best decision you can for yourself. While a career change can be just the thing for some people after a divorce, it makes too much of a life change for others.