Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash
One of the lasting legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic will be its effect on working patterns. Many companies were forced to adopt remote working rapidly, and many came to realize that it had immense benefits for their business.
Now that we’re coming towards a turning point in the pandemic, many businesses are seriously considering which model of working they are going to adopt. Will it be business as usual? Fully remote? Or something in between?
If you decide to go for a hybrid or remote model, it’s going to have an impact on your physical office space. There are a few options you could consider for the future of your office.
Sell It
If you’re moving to a remote working pattern and own your building, then you could save a lot of money by selling it or letting it out. Many businesses are getting rid of their real estate now or downsizing. Not only could you be making money from the sale, but saving in business rates and running costs.
There are still options if you want to bring teams together. You can hire a venue or somewhere with cool meeting rooms when you need to. It will still cost a lot less.
Turn It Into A Co-Working Space
There has been an explosion in co-working spaces over the past 10 years. People often assume that remote working means that people are at home all day, doing their work from the sofa or spare room. Many people choose to work at a co-working space because they can’t work at home, or because they don’t want to.
Co-working spaces offer flexible desk space and facilities for people to come and work. Some people pay for a desk they can work at every day, others pay by the hour and use it as and when they need it.
Another great advantage of co-working is getting to meet other professionals from different industries.
By turning your extra office space into a co-working area, you’re making money from the space while also providing a very important service.
Create Amazing Office Spaces
If you’re planning on letting employees work from home more, or recruit from further afield, you will still need space. But this gives you an opportunity to reconfigure that space and turn it into something truly amazing. Rather than having workstations and cubicles packed in tightly. You can free up space for more useful and enjoyable activities. You could put in a gym, chill-out room, or expand the kitchen facilities. It’s a great way to create an exciting space for those people who are in the office at any given time. If you’re not sure what to do with your free space, then ask your employees. They are sure to give you some great ideas.
Key Takeaways
Whether the change to your business working patterns has been welcomed, or reluctantly offered in order to keep employees, it does bring with it a lot of exciting opportunities when it comes to office space.