Any business has to be mindful nowadays of the current environment. Climate change has had a major impact on the world and every decision a business makes is under the scrutiny of the general public moreso than ever before.
With that in more, if you’re being seen to do more for the environment in both your business operations and to the wider community, it helps with your reputation in the industry. Here are a few tips to be more carbon conscious as a business in 2023.

Recycle all and any waste properly
Try to make sure you’ve gotten rid of any and all waste as efficiently as possible. From general waste recycling to the more complex recycling of batteries and IT equipment. Nowadays, there are plenty of services and systems in place to help businesses become more resourceful with their recycling so that they’re throwing away very little waste as a result.
Encourage your staff to do the same by introducing visible and clear instructions on the disposal of waste. Make sure they know what they can recycle and what needs to be disposed of in general.
Look at what materials you’re using as a business
Consider what materials you’re using as a business and whether they’re eco-friendly or not. Are they from sustainable sources or are they causing more damage to the climate?
From the packaging you use to the core materials of the product itself, it’s important to be mindful of what your business is doing when manufacturing new products. It might also be a case of ensuring you don’t over-order on stock so that you’re not left with a lot of wastage as a result.
Work with suppliers that are eco-conscious
The suppliers you work with as a business can make all the difference. There are some suppliers who’ll care about the impact they’re making on the planet and therefore make an actionable change to the influence they have. Some may not care at all and continue on as normal.
Try to align yourself with the suppliers who are making a difference and who are becoming more eco-conscious in their operations. Working with companies like TCI is a great example of what you should be looking for in suppliers.
Consider going paperless
If you’re looking to cut down on your carbon usage as a business, consider going paperless. This is a great way of helping reduce the amount of waste and paper usage in the business. Not only that but the amount of energy it takes to operate printers and scans, particularly when you have multiple, all contribute to your company’s carbon footprint.
Motivate industry leaders and lead on it yourself
Sometimes you have to become the leader in order to lead others. While it may be helpful to motivate leaders within your industry, there’s nothing stopping you from taking the initiative and doing it yourself. Show off to others what little changes they can do to help improve their use of carbon emissions.
These tips should help steer you in the right direction of being a more carbon-conscious business in 2023.