Do you think the company’s site looks the business? Most bosses will answer yes to this question. Otherwise, the website would never go live in the first place. Customers see things differently, and it is their opinion that matters. If the target audience isn’t turned-on, then success is bound to be a pipe-dream. There’s no way people will commit or convert should the site annoy and frustrate them. Managers are often too close to see the problems as a result of their non-objective biases. To you, everything appears impressive.
Here are four glitches which may make you see the site in a different light.
Slow Speeds
Aesthetically, the platform looks a million dollars. However, performance can differ depending on the amount a business spends on IT. Without IT consulting experts, it’s always challenging to maintain an efficient site. Try loading a page right now and analyze the results. Is it instant or do you have to wait a while? Anyone who answers the latter needs to find ways to speed up the loading times as customers won’t deal with mediocrity. For one thing, society revolves around giving people what they want as soon as possible. Secondly, there’s too much competition to be average.
Lack Of Info
This can also read as “difficulty finding basic information.” Both are killer blows for reasons that have already been mentioned. People don’t have the time or inclination to search for contact info that should be easily accessible from the homepage. It’s guaranteed to piss them off to the point where they bounce and never come back. Alternatively, if they are in the process of making a complaint, it may exacerbate the situation. Contact details such as a phone number and email address should be straightforward to locate. For example, the majority of websites have a subheading that reads “contact us.”
Items Out Of Stock
In some ways, this is an occupational hazard of running an eCommerce site. However, it’s essential to limit these instances to a minimum. When shoppers land on the page of their choice, they don’t want to see the same message over and over again. “Sorry, but this item is out of stock” is bound to make them think “will it ever be available?” If they believe it won’t, then they will stop coming to the website and sales will decrease. A link between suppliers and the platform is imperative to maintain a steady stream of stock.
Not Mobile-Friendly
Times are changing as technology becomes advanced. Nowadays, customers don’t sit behind a desk and make a purchase or consume information. Instead, they use their mobile devices to surf the Web and visit their favorite websites. A word of warning: they will change their preferences should the desktop version, not sync. It’s just too slow and clunky to bother with when there are hundreds of competitors offering a better service. The first thing companies have to do regarding their site these days is to create a mobile version to appease followers.
Okay, so these are the top four, but are there any more you can think of?