Your website is going to be a big selling point of your business. In fact, we would definitely say that it is the biggest selling point. Your customers no longer like to roam the shops for anything other than groceries, your customers are looking for a fast and effective way to get what they want, and that’s done through websites. So, now you see how much power yours holds, and how much effort you should put into it. But, we believe that one area of a website that companies seem to fail at, is the aesthetics of the said website. There is more of a focus on how to sell the products, rather than how your website is actually going to look. So, here’s what we think you can change or add to the aesthetics of your website, and how much of an effect that it will have on your sales.
Drawing People In At First Glance
First impressions are everything, no matter what we’re talking about in life. But with your website, first impressions can mean the difference between a customer exploring, and a customer clicking off quicker than they clicked it. So, think about what your homepage is lacking at the minute. Things need to stand out in your customers face, and one of the best ways to do that is by learning how to make a banner. A banner is a form of display that you can put anywhere on the front page, and is designed to capture the attention of the user away from the writing. Although the writing on your front page is probably very important, a banner gives you the opportunity to advertise something that you really want your customers to see. If you want to draw them in at first glance, it’s going to have to be something like a sale, or a discount that a new customer or returning customer can receive.
Never Go Too Colourful
You don’t want to blind the customers, and you don’t want your website to look tacky. Granted, you want to try and make your company stand out, but doing it by overloading your website with colours really isn’t the way forward with this one. So, you need to think about subtle colours, and colours that are going to make your website more appealing. Try and follow the colours on your logo somewhat, but throw in some light greens, blues, pinks, or any colour that just isn’t going to be too bold.
It’s All About The Layout
The layout is so important if you’re going to keep your customers coming back. If things are all over the place, and the website is hard to navigate, then obviously people are going to divert right away from your website. Keep everything fluid, and get yourself a web developer to help you do it. Even if it means completely changing the layout and approach of your whole website, it might benefit you more if more customers are staying due to the ease of use of it all.