In many ways B2B marketing differs very little from B2C. the differences are subtle but they are many, and they can make a big difference. Both rely heavily on content marketing. We all know that content marketing has a wide range of benefits. It offers users something for nothing and can play a healthy role in maximizing online conversion rates. It can help to establish your brand as a leader and an authority. It can provide a great platform for your insights, ideas, thoughts and reflections to show both loyal customers and brand new prospects that you are the real deal. Moreover it can lend your brand a voice, imbuing it with character, personality and an idiosyncratic charm that distances you from your competitors.
A combination of white papers, free ebooks, videos,and of course blog posts is the backbone of a potent content marketing strategy. However, when blogging for B2B a very specific mode of communication is required.
Knowing your target audience
Like any content marketeer, it behoves you to create a workable profile of your target market. Whose eyes do you want to fall upon your content? Most likely you’ll be targeting CEOs or other senior management figures; key decision makers who will make the decision whether to rely on your services or cross the road to your competitors’. These people will likely have numerous demands upon their free time and attention and it’s up to you to tailor your approach to your content accordingly…
Keep it short, sharp and to the point
Writing with brevity is extremely important in the world of B2B content marketing. Don’t forget that the kind of influential decision makers you’ll be targeting will have a great deal of varying demands upon their free time and attention. They will likely consume content in short bursts on their lunch break, on public transport or even while in the bathroom.
As such, your content needs to be direct, short, sharp and to the point; saying a lot in a short space of time and delivering value without having to wade through thousands of words’ worth of content. Since it’s more than likely that your content will be consumed on a mobile device (key decision makers seldom stay still) it goes without saying that your site and your content must be highly responsive for seamless mobile use. Video content is ideal for these kinds of users but written content can still be effective. Just make sure that it is written authoritatively and with both clarity and brevity.
Substance over style
If you love blogging because it offers you freedom of expression and an opportunity to indulge your creative side, prepare to be disappointed. You’re unlikely to get to flex your penchant for artful prose when writing for B2B clients. Indeed, when it comes to this particular brand of content marketing, substance beats style every time. By all means make your content accessible and enjoyable to read but you must eschew the kind of fluffy marketing speak that’s such a common component of B2C content. Every post, video and white paper must offer something of value to your clientele. If you can’t do this on your own, that’s absolutely fine, but outsource to the kinds of low cost-low quality content farms that lesser blogs use to boost their SEO at your peril. Instead, opt for a business that offers Internet Marketing Services to organizations like yours and has a proven track record of B2B success. Whether you choose to outsource or not, your content must speak to users in a professional capacity and offer them not only a reason to keep coming back to your website but a reminder that their needs are in the best possible hands when they use your products and / or services. Which brings us to…
Present them with a problem they regularly… and talk them through solving it
Just because users access your content in their sparse down time doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re reading for fun. They’re looking for inspiration and solutions to the kinds of business quandaries that they face every day. Thus, if you’re ever stuck for ideas for valuable content, simply put yourself in their position. Come up with a scenario that a large proportion of your clientele will face and guide them through how you will solve it.
This will further establish your knowledge and expertise while building value for the user and reinforcing the faith that you have built in your brand.
B2B content marketing is an exact science but once it’s mastered it can unlock a new era of success in all of your business endeavors!
This is really a nice article! Thanks for sharing these valuable advice. We are also a B2B company which provides billing software and these advice will really helps us to make our content marketing better.