In a very competitive labor market, attracting and keeping the best staff is not always easy. Surveys and studies have shown time and time again that although salaries are important they are not usually the top priority for the top talents.
The employment package you offer them has to be comprehensive and provide them with some other benefits too, as these were more crucial to most people.
A Good Balance Between Work And Life
Although most talented people will not mind putting in extra hours if they are needed, overall they are looking for a good balance between work and the rest of their life. This could mean having flexible working hours so they can attend to getting children to or from school for instance. If they have a sudden disaster in their life they need to know that they will not lose their job because they have had to take a day off and that they can make up the hours over a period of time.
Further Opportunities
In the past people used to start a job when they left school and still be working there when they retired. This was nothing unusual at all, but these days it is a rarity. Staff are usually looking for ways to improve their career and to move up the ladder when the opportunities arise. If there are good staff that you want to keep, then you have to create those opportunities for them.
Encourage them to further their education in your line of business and nurture a culture of learning within the business.
Little Perks Can Have Big Results
Never underestimate how much employees appreciate some of the little perks. Things such as a good restroom, bowls of fresh fruit around the workplace, a free coffee for everyone at lunchtime or something else that does not cost much financially, but will mean a lot to your workforce.
Things like this show that you care about them, and with so many bosses out there who put profit before anything else, this is something they will really appreciate and it will make them more likely to stay in your employment.
Health And Wellness
This one might seem obvious, but it is not to all employers. You can be certain that providing your employees with a good health and wellness package will be one of the biggest encouragements not to leave your company.
For instance, if the has access to something like telehealth, they could get advice really quickly if they have a health issue that needs dealing with. The package you offer should also include cover for teeth and eyes as well if you want them to be really well looked after.
Research has shown over and over again that healthy staff are happier staff and that the happier they are the more productive they will be. This might seem like a big financial investment, but you will see the returns of providing a healthcare package in fewer sick days and the retention of more of your workers.
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