Whether you own or manage a hotel or maybe are considering renting out your home on Airbnb, this infographic could help you boost your business.
With the advent of widespread Internet connectivity and the ubiquity of smartphones, tablets, laptops and the like, we have seen the proliferation of social media platforms such as Facebook all over the globe. Facebook is a networking platform that initially started out as something used by individuals to connect and engage with one another.
Its interface quickly spread into a business tool, allowing businesses in practically any niche to engage with their target audience.
Today, this is largely operated on a paid basis as in businesses will pay extra to have their posts seen by the precise customer group they are targeting.
For hotels, Facebook presents customers with another opportunity to leave a review of their accommodation which of course can be positive or negative.
If a hotel has a Facebook page and by and large, they should have one, then it is vital that someone is assigned the responsibility of managing and monitoring it. If the hotel is large enough, this might be something that is done by an outside third party. Alternatively, if it’s managed in-house the person assigned perhaps should have some training in the area in order to ensure they are running it as optimally as possible.
The people at Ard na Sidhe have put together this inforgraphic which details everything a hotel needs to know about Facebook and its power within the hotel marketing niche.
It outlines the basics of setting up a profile; it examines some interesting statistics about Facebook and it delivers some expert advice. Check out the full infographic below.
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