Are you getting the best out of your employees? If not, why not? Many business owners might be quick to blame the individual, but the truth is that if it’s a widespread problem, it’s more likely the processes within the business that are the problem. Here are a few changes you can implement from the top level to make everyone more productive and more engaged all the way down the chain of command.
Streamline communication
Miscommunication is going to lead to wires getting crossed, mistakes being made, and people lacking the information and resources they need when it’s most critical. You can free up a lot of time by streamlining communication within the team. Create a document culture that gives people the organizational storage space to save and share files. Know their communication habits and help them find the tools to better fit them. For instance, project management software can be great for those employees who are prone to leaving messages or emails since it can always keep messages visible if its related to a certain project.
Offer them better tools
Sometimes, the team simply doesn’t have the right tool for the job. If your project manager is trying to track lots of different moving tasks on a spreadsheet, for instance, instead of project management software, they will waste a lot of time trying to get the tool to fit the job. IT support can help you reverse the process. By finding the tools to fit the job, instead, you’re likely to have employees waste a lot less time in completing their tasks. Just make sure that you have everyone on board before integration. It can take time to get used to the way new software works and a little heads-up can encourage them to do their own research on how these tools work.
Know the way to work
There is also the issue of what happens when an employee approaches a new tool or task for the first time. You can assume that because you have picked the best tools that it’s going to be evident how to use it. But that’s wrong. By systematizing your processes, you can have easy instructions at the ready that can help new employees or people trying new tasks for the first time.
Teach them time management
Sometimes, your team will have as much on their hands as you have on theirs. If they have more work than they can get done in a day, they need to know how to prioritize different tasks. Using time management tools, you can teach them how to prepare the working day before it begins. That way, they worry less about what they won’t be able to do today and will be more focused on the task they have already committed their time to.
If you offer your employees every tool and method to help them free up their time and become more productive, but you still have issues, then it might be an individual problem. Look at what you can fix in the business before you try and fix the people, however.
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