Working from home, whether that is with your own business or working freelance can mean that you find it difficult to get as much out of your day as perhaps you might in an office environment or being employed. This tends to be because you are the master of your time, and at home, it can be quite easy to be distracted by other aspects such as household chores or other distractions like the TV. So how do you make the most out of your working day at home? I wanted to share with you some of the tips you could try.
Figuring out the times that you work best
One of the first things you might want to start doing is figuring out the best times that you work best. Everyone has a point in the day or even at night where they are most productive. You might be at you most creative first thing in the morning, or it might be that you are a night owl and can really work better in the evening or late into the night. You also need to decide on whether there are moments in the day where you struggle to work. Some people have the Afternoon Crash where they feel tired and lethargic in the afternoon. Whatever the situation might be, working this out can help you to plan you day better and make the most of the hours you have to work.
Trying out different forms of time management
The next thing you might want to think about would be how best to manage the time you have to work. If you only have a few hours before you need to be doing something in your home how best can you utilise it? Ids it ideal to get up earlier before everyone else and get some work done then? Other things to think about would be time blocking where you dedicate a certain amount of time in your day for certain tasks. It can help you to try and avoid distractions at home by having that one focus.
Having a dedicated space to work
You do need a dedicated space to work if you can create one. Getting the most out of working from home is no easy task when you can easily be distracted by household chores or things like the TV. Working in a living room or kitchen can mean that you could be easily distracted so having a dedicated space to work in can help you to be more productive and to also differentiate between working and enjoying home life.
Taking care of yourself during your working time
Finally, at work you were more likely to get a lunch break and time to rest and have a break, but for some reason, working for yourself or from home can mean you don’t give yourself the same courtesy. It is just as important for you to have regular breaks and take time to have a lunch when working at home as it can help to keep your focus, concentration and energy levels high.
I hope that these tips help you when it comes to getting the most from your working day at home.
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