The importance of great customer service can’t be stressed enough in today’s economy. It’s what business success is built on and the very thing that can see your business fall from under you. That’s the way the ever-more-connected world works right now. It’s how you show off your company values, put your customers first, make their experience a thousand times better, keep clients loyal, enjoy repeat business, reduce issues and how you can stand out from the crowd.
That’s why we’ve been speaking to business experts and customer service agencies, and pulled together their top tips for delivering excellent customer service in today’s economy.
- The Sooner The Better
We live in a microwavable society, one where pop-di-ping meals are cooked in a matter of minutes, Netflix delivers films to your sitting room in a matter of seconds and Amazon felt the need to develop a buy-with-one-click button, all of which proves have little patience we consumers have. With that in mind, One of the biggest factors in good customer service is speed. If it’s an email response, twelve hours should be the average. If it’s social media, you should have an automated response that lets people know their question has been received and you will reply as soon as you can.
- Know Your Customers
The secret to great customer service is knowing all there is to know about your customers wants and needs. This is because consumers loved personalised experiences. Think about when you were a student and went on a night out – you always went to the bar where the bouncer knew you. It felt good. The same applies here. Remember your client’s names and your previous conversations, and make them feel special. Like Dale Carnegie said, the greatest word in any language is a person’s name.
- The Details Are Everything
The more detailed you can be with your customer service, the better it will be for business. Period. On the serious end of the scale, something like using an orthopedic medical transcription will ensure you are better able to track critical patient data, whereas something simple like remembering your client’s favorite color and using this to wrap their purchase in will let them know how much you care about them. These are the little details that mean something to them, the little details that will prevent your business from making mistakes and the little details that will help your business run so smoothly.
- Always Own Your Mistakes
Reputation is the most valuable currency today, so not taking responsibility for any mistakes, accidents or human errors is a surefire way of seeing your business start to feel the pinch. People want and need better transparency, something your customer service strategies needs to incorporate. Passing the buck and not owning a mistake is something that has become increasingly easy to do in the gig economy. We can blame automated processes and point the finger at freelancers. But doing this will only reflect badly on you. Trust us on that.
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