If you’re starting a business you’ve probably been told how important it is to trademark your company name and your logo. The main reason that people give is that it stops anybody from trading under your name or using your logo. That is important, but that’s not the whole story. To truly understand why trademarks are so important to your company, you need to change the way that you view them.

A trademark is essentially the same as a brand. For example, the reason that the Apple logo is so iconic is that it has been trademarked and they are the only one that uses it. If everybody used it, it wouldn’t be a recognisable brand image. If you haven’t trademarked your name and your logo yet, get in touch with a legal firm like Vethan Law and get them to draw up some contracts right away. These are just some of the massive benefits you’ll find once you do.
They Tell Customers About Your Company
This is one of the best things about a good trademark and also one of the reasons that you need to put a lot of thought into them. Let’s go back to our earlier example of the Apple logo. It’s an incredibly simple logo on a blank background. It serves its purpose in the simplest way possible. The reason that it’s such an effective trademark for the company is that those are the core beliefs of the company itself. They attempt to create products that are simple and easy to use and their trademark tells customers that this is what they’ll be getting if they buy from them.
They Make It Easy For Customers To Find You
When you’re in a store and you want a can of Coke, you don’t walk down the aisle reading the label on every single can, you just scan the shelf for the bold red and white combination. That trademark color scheme and logo is instantly recognizable from a distance so customers can make a beeline straight for it. Again, that only works because nobody else is using the same branding because it’s been trademarked. You can do the same by creating a strong logo and name and trademarking it yourself.
It’s Vital For Your Website
Your website is one of the most important areas where trademarks really show their value. When customers are searching for your product online, imagine how devastating it would be if your competitor were able to name their site using your company name and direct your customers straight to them. Trademarking your name and your logo means that nobody can do that and your customers won’t end up going with a rival company that is mimicking your branding. It also means that if you come up with branding ideas that really capture the interest of customers, nobody else can use the same methods.
People often think that trademarks are just there so nobody can trade under the same name or use your logo but in reality, they’re a central part of business success.
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