Then there are the catastrophic grammatical or writing errors that can instantly catch the eyes of a headhunter. Employers get hundreds of resume for a single position, hence they are constantly looking for reasons to reject applicants and call a selected few for further sessions of the interview process.
One of the most obvious ways for employers to filter applicants is to look for typos or grammatical errors in their resume.
In written communication, one of the most common mistakes is the incorrect usage of words that sound similar but have completely different meanings. These type of words also have different spellings, such as the words affect and effect, bare or bear, and more. Such mistakes can totally change the meaning of a sentence and make you look ignorant.
This infographic from WalkerStone elaborates on 8 common writing errors that make you look unprofessional and tips on how to avoid such mistakes. This quick read would hopefully help you in your resume writing to come across as an impressive applicant.

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