Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash
When the temperature starts to drop, it can bring many challenges for your business. It’s not just your home that needs to be prepped for winter. You want your shop or office to feel warm, inviting, and safe for everyone there.
Here are some ways to prepare your business for winter.
Keep Your Premises Accessible
Being able to get into your office is important. Make sure you have enough salt and grit to spread over parking spaces and paths to stop ice and snow from forming. Have the number for a reliable snow removal service in your contacts to help out in very bad conditions.
Make Repairs
If you need to make repairs to your roof or windows, it’s best to do it now rather than wait for it to be further damaged by bad weather. Leaking water can also damage equipment and stock, leaving you with a much larger bill. If left for too long, these leaks could even damage the structure of the building itself, forcing you to close while you make costly repairs.
Have your gutters and drains cleaned out too, so that they are less likely to overflow or block during bad weather.
Safety First
Rain and snow can lead to areas around doors and walkways getting wet and slippery. As people walk in and out, they will transfer water from outside to your offices. This can become very dangerous. If someone injures themselves, then they could potentially sue you for their injuries.
Invest in good quality barrier mats at all doors, which can absorb the water from people’s shoes as they come in. Check floors often for water and have signs around warning people of the potential dangers.
Keep The Temperature Comfortable
Working or shopping in a place that’s too cold can make you really uncomfortable and less productive. If your heating isn’t great, then invest in some good quality heaters to keep the temperature cozy.
Reduce The Spread Of Viruses
The winter months are cold and flu season too. It’s common for illness to lead to staff absence as well as a drop in productivity. Unless you can cure a common cold, then you’re going to have to stick to some more practical measures. For example, this could include ensuring that there’s a fresh supply of clean air throughout the building and airing out germs.
You should also be very vigilant with your office cleaning routine. Disinfecting phones, switches, and handles can prevent the spread of germs on these surfaces. Provide employees with hand sanitizing gel and encourage them to wash their hands frequently.
Key points
Winter can provide a number of challenges for businesses. You need to ensure that your premises remain safe and comfortable for your employees and customers. Failing to do so could cost you a lot of money due to lost productivity, staff absence, or office closure.
Many of the actions you need to take are remedial and a small investment ahead of time can save a lot of money later on.
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