As an individual or a group looking to raise your profile, you’ll want to ensure that your online presence is looking good. Whether you have a business to run or you wish to entice recruiters, a substandard image isn’t going to help you out. First impressions are massive, so your online profile will need to show you off in every possible way.
When it comes to social media and networking sites, you have an array of different options in front of you. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so many other sites give you the opportunity to tell the world about yourself. The good thing is that creating a solid profile isn’t too difficult – if you overthink it, then you’ll probably mess it up. Here are just a few ways you can ensure your online profile is looking more than up to scratch:
Ensure Your Picture Is Of Good Quality
The first impressions make such a huge difference in terms of how you’re going to be perceived. If your picture isn’t attractive to people, then you’re not going to get off to a good start. This doesn’t mean you need to be beautiful – beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What we mean is that you’ll need to ensure it’s highly defined and has the look of someone with confidence and competence. The right profile picture can sway people significantly.
Keep Everything Neat And Tidy
An online profile on a social platform is basically the same as any kind of presentation or setup. This is your opportunity to show people how neat and aligned you are. If everything’s a mess, then people are going to realize. If you keep things neat like the profile Jorge Hank has provided on his LinkedIn account, for instance, then you’re going to have a lot more success. If you look amateurish or like you don’t care, then people will see right through it.
Let People Know Early What You’re All About
Get your point across quickly. Let people know the kind of work you do and how you’d like to help them out. Your products or services don’t need to be forced down their throats, but if they know you straight away, then they’ll be satisfied. We live in a world where people want answers immediately.
Don’t Overdo It With Content Or Information
It’s good to let people know what you do and what you can offer the world, but too much information is off-putting. If you overwhelm those you’re trying to impress, then it’s going to be a negative thing. Nobody likes being bombarded with pictures and words. Space things out and let people decide for themselves.
Be Friendly And Network With Others
It’s nice to be important, but it’s much more important to be nice in this world. Interact with people online and show manners – people will remember how you treated them. If you socialize with others in your field, you’ll put yourself in a better position.
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