Not everybody loves their job so, at a certain point in life, they need to make a change. That can happen anytime in a career including later in life. Others may be laid off and now need to start all over even past the age of 50. Although there is no good reason for it, finding a new career later in life is very challenging.
That isn’t to say that it is impossible. It will take more effort and determination, but luckily your life experience will help you navigate this tricky time of your life. In this article, we will go over what it takes to change careers when you are older.
Know your rights
Although there are sometimes big age gaps in some companies such as software houses, this shouldn’t affect your ability to get a job in an industry you specialize in. In fact, age discrimination is illegal.
If a company doesn’t have a better candidate than you then they can’t deny you the job based on your age. Your age should be able to help you get the job in a perfect world since you are bringing a lot of experience and knowledge to the team.
When you are faced with a challenge from a younger candidate that has fewer education credentials and a lack of experience in the field, you should be a no-brainer for the job. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. If you feel that you are having trouble getting a foot in the door then you should call one of the many employment attorneys Indianapolis has to offer if that is where you live.
Find the right fit
One of the biggest benefits to looking for a new career later on in life is it gives you the opportunity to do something you’ve always wanted to do. Early on in your working life, you may have taken on a job you didn’t want due to financial pressures or lack of other opportunities. Often, a dream job stays just that. A dream.
Now that you are available and at a different point in your life, you can go for that job that you’ve always wanted and find more fulfillment in your work than you previously had.
You can focus on a job that has something to do with your passions or even a hobby. Your life experience may have set you up for a different career that you can now thrive in and is a better fit than what you were doing previously.
Update your education
A lot has changed since you were in college so it makes sense that you would have to take some refreshers even if you are staying within your chosen field. There may be some certificates that you should have that will look great on a resume especially given your experience and knowledge about the job. It may even involve getting another degree.
Not only will you acquire valuable and up to date knowledge, but you are also showing an employer that you aren’t looking to rest on your laurels. It will demonstrate that you are an eager lifelong learner and will be adaptable when the situation calls for it.
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