Do you frequently head out on the road to attend exhibitions and conferences to promote your business? If so, then you will definitely be in need of some great marketing materials that will help you to stand out from the crowd and draw people in. Pop-up stands are one of the easiest ways in which you can achieve this as they are both affordable and convenient. Here, we are taking you through some of our top tips for how you can use a display stand to your advantage at your next exhibition event.
Why Use Pop-up Stands?
One of the main reasons why pop-ups are so popular for businesses to use at exhibitions and conferences is because they will help you to create a presence. Space is often limited at these types of events and they are also extremely expensive! Purchasing shell space can cost you thousands of pounds and so you will want to make sure that when people are passing, they see your company in the very best light. This is where pop-up stands come in and can be used to your advantage.
How to Make the Most of Your Stands
The great thing about pop-up display stands is that they help to create a welcoming environment for visitors passing your stand. If you have ever been to one of these events, you will know that it can be quite intimidating to walk up to a stand, but you will make this easier for people with pop-up stands that create a welcoming environment. You should use your stand to your advantage as they are a great way to decorate your shell space and your sales team can stand nearby them so that they are on hand to answer any questions that people may have. We would recommend that you try to have all of the vital information that you want to get across clearly visible on the stand as this will allow people passing to get a good idea of what it is you offer and they are far more likely to have their attention grabbed and come over and learn more about your business. Finally, having these pop-up stands will make it a lot easier to introduce follow up questions and discussions.
Think About Design
When creating your pop-up stands, you will need to put a lot of effort into creating its design. It is important that you follow a few key points however. Always ensure that your brand’s key message is clear and can be seen from a distance. You will also want to use colour and graphics as this will help you draw more attention to your stand and generate more leads. You can view this guide to find out the different types and sizes of stand that are available.
Invest in Quality
When you are purchasing pop-up stands, you will want to ensure that you are investing in high-quality ones from companies such as Marler Haley as these will provide you with a long-term value for your investment. Constantly having to buy cheap pop-up banners will quickly add up and you will gain a lot more from investing in your brand by purchasing high-quality stands. High-quality stands are light weight and really do not have as big a price tag on them as you may once have thought.
Create a Professional Setting
When you use high-quality pop-up stands, you will be creating a professional look for your company and this will help you to set a good first impression. Pop-up stands that are a little more expensive will also be quick and easy to set up which is exactly what you want as you don’t want to waste your day trying to set up your stall.
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