I had a dream last night.
No, it wasn’t a Martin Luther King speech quality dream.
I dreamed that there was turmoil in the Republican nomination contest.
Trump was not able to continue. And he tapped me as his replacement (yes, I probably do spend too much time listening to talk radio and political goings on).
Now I know a lot about what is happening in the U. S. and world politics. But could I rattle off details of Middle East Policy? Or deal with the Beltway craziness and insane media?
You could say I was a little freaked out.
So I said, “I really can’t do this. Although I’ve voted a lot in the past, it has been a few years and I’m not registered to vote.”
I know that might be hard to believe given my political junkie status. But being frustrated with the system that seems to always be choosing the best of two bad (or horrible) options (depending on your perspective), and having the normal business of life’s daily chaos, I never felt the urge to jump back in and let my vote be counted.
Now maybe this time around might be different given some of the stakes at hand in the Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary that often plays a big part in where the political winds blow.
But back to the story and why it should matter to you.
I’m Inadequate?
The core element is a sense of inadequacy deep in the heart of all of us. Yes, we can put on a confident attitude and a happy smile. But deep down we all share that, “Am I worthy?” or “Can I really do it?” question.
It can show up in several ways.
- You see a job posting that you think is a little out of your league. Do you go for it? Or does your self-doubt talk you out of even applying?
- You have a good opportunity offered to you but it is across the country – away from your hometown, friends and family. Do you take the plunge? Or second guess yourself and walk away – preferring the secure world of the known?
- You have a big project coming up and the boss asks if you want in. Do you put your fears behind you? Or do you pass, leaving you feeling that deep pit of regret years later?
We all have strengths and weaknesses. That is the human condition.
And yet life’s adventure has so much more color and vibrancy when you sometimes take that risk and go for it.
Would you become President if they asked you?
Maybe that’s not your thing. But what other opportunities are you passing up because you’re second-guessing yourself?
Do you have an opportunity you’re considering now? Here’s some other posts that might help your decision.
Do You Need a Personal “Climate Change”?
Thank you for that article Mike
I am now taking a few of those ideas and put them into practice.
Let me know how it goes, John.
When i was 19 I took leave and boarded the Trans Australian and travelled from Sydney to Perth. I was eager to travel north of Perth. I boarded a flight 500 miles north. Karratha. I was offered a job on the Railway on the mines. I had to come back to Sydney I told my parents the word was NO. I told my boss the word was NO. needless to say I did not go back. When my father passed away 10 years later my mother stepped in again and did not want me to go further than Dubbo 300 miles west of Sydney. In 1990 I was retrenched from the Railway I visited the United States again When I was in Houston I was offered a job on the oil rigs then i travelled from New orleans to Chicago and was offered a job with Amtrak. needless to say i didn’t take them.
Two years ago when my friend who had lived with me for 26 years passed away I had the urge to go back to Perth. I still have that urge but i am also now nearing the retirement age of 65.
The Federal Government is now trying to pass legislation for the retirement age to 70 years. I am still undecided.
Yesterday i had to see my Recruitment Agency and for the first time the Government seems now to to take more interest in Mature Age Workers then what they did 4 years ago
Three years ago I got a Diploma in Business Administration hoping that it would improve my chances in gaining employment. So far I have been unsuccessful. But yesterday my recruiter gave me a lead something that i have done before but gave it away in frustration but I left that office and gave it some thought and in the next month i will be pursuing that little bit of information and see how I go.
Two weeks ago i took your offer and have tried out that JobScan website it has open up my eyes and i keep in contact with one of their leading employees who gives me tips once or twice a week.
Quite a story, John. Sounds like you’ve embraced the challenges that have come your way and made good sound decisions over the years. As you’ve found out there are few “right” or “wrong” answers, only the choices we make.
If we choose our path then we’re more likely than not to find a good fit. If we wait for something to come our way without us putting in the effort and making the tough choices then our future is less certain.
Congratulations on taking action and adjusting along the way!
Thank you and more tough challenges to come in the next few months
John: I came across this post today and thought of you. There are some ideas that might help you out in your search. 10 Unconventional (But Very Effective) Tips For Job Seekers