Job Seekers must Persuade and Making a YouTube Channel Does This
Persuasion skills exert a far greater influence over others’ behavior than formal power structures do. – Robert Cialdini
Job seekers who persuade the best get interviews and hired. According to a University of Minnesota survey, presentations with visual aids are 43% more persuasive than unaided presentations. This is because video enables job seekers to project confidence and likability. Facts do not persuade. What we feel about someone determines how we view the facts related to them.
In the words of Scott Adams, the Dilbert guy,
People are more influenced by visual persuasion, emotion, repetition, and simplicity than they are by details and facts – Win Bigly
With a black on white resume, you will have a hard time persuading. With a video resume on YouTube, you can sell yourself with passion and emotion on your face. Our brain and eyes naturally draw us to faces and eyes. Nassim Taleb says in Fooled by Randomness,
Because when you gaze into someone’s eyes, a different part of your brain, the more emotional one, is activated and engaged as a result of the interaction.
Making a YouTube Channel Shows You Are Creative
The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping old ones – John Maynard Keynes
Companies are desperate for creative individuals at every position in the role hierarchy – even if hiring people don’t know it. Most companies have several competitors. The only way to lesson competition is to successfully solve problems in a new, better way.
Hiring managers and recruiters can and should look for candidates who are able to think through old problems in different, logical ways. A candidate who literally shows his skills by making a YouTube channel is doing this. He is making himself a standout candidate in a way that both makes sense and is useful to him and the recruiting team.
Of course everybody is an individual. There may be hiring people who don’t see the value in a candidate with the creativity to make a YouTube channel. This a blessing in disguise. Companies that don’t value creativity or who have recruiters who don’t value creativity are dying and should be avoided. It is the responsibility of upper management to evaluate hiring practices including looking at the resumes of the candidates who where not hired. I recommend targeting your job search to creative companies.
Make a YouTube Channel to Learn Skills that help Co-Workers and Customers
Once you stop learning, you start dying -Albert Einstein
While everybody in an organization has different responsibilities and titles, there is often a large amount of overlap among co-workers. As a result, it is common for colleagues to teach each other things they are strong in but their peer co-workers are weak in. By making YouTube videos, co-workers can show each other exactly how to do a task and give constructive feedback. The feedback can be about the quality of the explanation, the effectiveness of the task, or digital high five for making an awesome explanation video.
For marketing and product development, making videos for YouTube is an even more valuable skill. Passionate video sells products better than any other digital method. There are several reasons for this according to Hubspot. One of the reasons is that video of product in action shows that a product and company can be trusted. Companies that are happy to show their product working BEFORE it is purchased believe in their product and consumers know this.
Lastly, customer service is greatly enhanced with video tutorials and troubleshooting guides. A consumer survey by Nuance Enterprise showed that 67% of respondents prefer self-service to speaking with a company representative. The same survey shows 91% of respondents would use online knowledge bases if they were available and tailored to their needs. This makes video tutorials a win-win for companies and consumers as the cost video production is far lower than customer service personnel.
Become known as a Passionate Expert in Your Field by Making a YouTube Channel
If opportunity doesn’t know, then build a door – Milton Berle
The first step of marketing is getting attention and getting a job is a numbers game. It takes many rejections to land a job. Job boards are a poor way to go about this. ERE says corporate job openings attract on average more than 250 resumes. By making a YouTube channel into a video resume, you can become the person who stands out. Hiring people want candidates who love their job. They don’t want people who just want a pay check. You can be the only candidate that shows skills and passion by making a YouTube channel.
Make a YouTube Channel as a Not-For-Profit Project and Be seen as More Helpful
The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happened to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope. -Barack Obama
Yes, the article is about how to make a YouTube channel that will help you get a job and help your career. Having said this, helping others in your industry is a great goal by itself. Giving increases happiness. In a survey of two groups, the group that spent money on others showed more correlated happiness than the people in the group that spent on themselves.
Also, volunteering increases health and life span. Older people who volunteer are physically and psychologically healthy than peer who do not volunteer. Those who volunteer late in life were much more likely than other to have volunteered in their youth. You can make a YouTube channel as a form of late life preventive medicine if you are young or middle aged.
Furthermore, Not-For-Profit activity helps job seekers get the attention of hiring people. Anne Fisher, a writer for Fortune says,
82% of interviewers told Deloitte they prefer applicants with volunteer experience, and 92% say volunteer activities build leadership skills. Yet, the report says, only about one in three (32%) of job seekers mention unpaid community-service experience on their resumes. and
People who’ve put their professional skills to work for free — say, a marketing person who’s developed a social media campaign for a charity — have a slightly bigger edge with hiring managers, Deloitte found, than those whose volunteer work was unrelated to their roles at work. About 85% of the job interviewers said skills-based activities made candidates better at communicating, and 88% praised those applicants’ “strong character.” Somewhat fewer (77% and 84%, respectively) said the same for volunteers whose unpaid work didn’t use their career skills.
Making a YouTube Channel into a Video Resume is EASY
You can do it. I made videos that will show you how to make a YouTube channel. Click HERE to get started.
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