Today’s organizations are run by a workforce that’s made up of as many as five generations, all with various demands and different levels of engagement. While this mix offers diversification, millennials are slowly becoming the largest labor force, with Gen Z following suit after entering the scene in 2015.
Inevitably, both millennials and Gen Z workers will dominate the workplace, making it important for HR teams, recruitment firms, and hiring managers to know what makes them tick, so they can be given the best workplace environment possible and eventually realize their potential.
Both millennials and Gen Z have skills and characteristics unique to their generation, which affect their perspective of the workplace and how they try to achieve success. To be able to manage them effectively, there are different approaches, making it crucial to know how to make them work for the sake of building a team of achievers.
It’s also important to note that there is no cookie-cutter way or one standard formula to help millennial and Gen Z workers achieve success in the workplace. You will have to understand each of their quirks, personalities, and work ethic before making your move. You can only do this by engaging and treating them as individuals as opposed to mere workers who get paid to run your organization.
Awareness is your key to understanding these generations, so it’s high time to know who they are. Only then will you able to manage them successfully and steer your organization to the kind of success you’re trying to achieve. To help you in this noble undertaking, here’s an informative infographic from on how millennials and Gen Z can achieve success in the workplace.

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