We really do underestimate the power of education. Education is something we would have took for granted, but that’s only because we were forced to go there every single day of our young lives.
Unless you’re someone who really did love learning, then perhaps it would have been harder to let go of the tight grasp that education had on us. Now, depending on how far into your life you are at the minute, it might have been a good few years since you sat down, and actually learned a new subject that wasn’t what school made you do.
You might have had a little bit of training when you moved into a new job, but that’s pretty much it. So what happens here, is our minds go into limp mode. We spend our days doing the same things, over and over again, until one day we’re able to retire. So to kickstart your brain, and show you some of the amazing things that you could learn, that will lead to qualifications that will give you more opportunities, we’ve created this great article. You might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy the learning process, and where it can take you.
Find A Subject That Interests You
So there’s no point forcing yourself to learn a new subject that you don’t like, because wouldn’t that just be a blast from the past. So think about the subjects that are going to truly interest you, and ones that you think are going to benefit your life. A good thing to think about, is what’s up and coming in the world right now, because that’s where most of the opportunities lie. The world is revolving heavily around data at the minute, and there’s so many parts of this subject that you can learn about, that would take you down a completely new path in your life. Norwich University is just one of the universities that will offer courses related to data. It might pay off in the long run, because computers and data will be controlling the world more than we know it, and understanding how to process and manipulate it could lead to a big career for you.
Qualifications Within Your Company
So it might not be that you have to put yourself back into education and learn a new subject, it might be that so many of you are missing out on opportunities that your own company is providing you. So many companies now are offering courses to develop their employees skills, and in turn develop the company. So ask what relevant courses you might be able to be put on!
Random Qualifications That Could Help Others
So taking a completely random turn here, but why not think about qualifications that could help others. So for example, why not learn sign language. Technology has developed so much that it’s not as common for people to be totally deaf, but it is still a major health issues for those suffering. And if you were one of the ones that could sign with them, and help them in a situation, it would be amazing!
Good points here Mike!
The older I get the more I value education.
For me education goes beyond just degrees. It is certifications, courses, workshops,etc.
Continuous learning is the hallmark of a successful professional.
Today, thanks to the internet- there are so many ways to learn.
And I agree with your original premise – the more education – the more qualifications- which means more opportunities.