When you are in a situation where you are moving offices in your business, it is normally a pretty exciting time. You may be upgrading or growing your business, or you might just be moving to a new location. Or maybe you are downsizing because you are happy with the level of growth, and you just want to keep it where it is. In any of these circumstances, it’s a pretty exciting place to be.

But you will of course want to make sure that the office move itself goes as well as possible, and with as little stress as possible too. To that end, we are going to take a look here at some of the steps you can take to ensure that happens. All of the following should help you to move offices much more easily and smoothly.
Choose Your Timing Carefully
The first thing you should look into is the timing of the move. You need this to be chosen very carefully, because it is going to have an impact on how you experience the office move and what it actually does for you. In particular, you are going to be keen to keep the impact of the move as low as possible on the business itself, and that can be done by choosing a time and a date that is as low-impact as possible.
You should take a look at the calendar, in other words, and make sure that there is not too much going on in the business during the move. In particular, avoid big annual events like conferences, and make sure that you are looking industry-wide too – if there is something that your business would normally attend, try not to clash with that.
As long as you get the timing right, it’s going to make it so much easier to do the move without it being too stressful.

Declutter First
As with any kind of move, it’s always going to be so much easier to do if you make a point of first decluttering your offices. You will probably find that there is actually plenty of stuff in your office that you don’t actually need. It might be that you haven’t used it for years, or that it’s from a previous incarnation of the business, for instance. If you find anything like this, just get rid of it. You might be able to sell some of it, in which case you can recover some of the costs of moving offices too.
The more you declutter, the easier you are going to find it to move the office. It will save you time and money, and have much less of an impact on the business as a whole, so it’s a simple thing that you should definitely make sure you’re aiming for.
Make Use Of Storage
At the same time, anything that you are keen to hold on to, but you’re not sure where it’s going to go just yet, you can find storage for. This is something that you are going to want to think about for sure, because it will free up so much space, and allow you to actually have a much better chance of doing the move quickly and stress-free. Of course, for this you will need to find a reliable and worthwhile storage solution in your area.
Luckily, there are usually quite a few of those for you to choose between. You might want to opt for something like some storage units near me, which can be a really easy and convenient way to have constant access to the belongings you need. If you can do that, you are going to find that it’s a much better way of actually being able to store things, and your office move is going to be so much simpler as a result.

Get Help With Office Design
If you are hoping to make the most of the new office that you are moving into, and you probably will be keen to do that, then you might want to design it in some way, to put your own stamp on it. That can help to raise morale, improve the sense of branding and generally make it yours. And for that, you might find that it’s a good idea to have some professional help for it, as it is the kind of thing that can be much more challenging on your own.
You might hire professional decorators to help give the place a spruce, for instance. And it could even be worthwhile to hire an interior designer, particularly one who works with professional spaces like offices. That way, you can end up with an office that you are much happier with, and which you are looking forward to moving into as well.

Clean It Thoroughly
You should also make sure that you are cleaning the new office as thoroughly as you can, because that is going to help you to have a much better chance of enjoying it and making good use of it. If the place is as clean as can be, that means that you are probably going to enjoy being there, and that your employees will too. Also, the cleaner it is at the start, the easier it is to keep it clean in the future, which is obviously a really important consideration as well. So all in all, you should make sure that you are cleaning your new office as well as possible.
Again, it is wise to hire professional cleaners to help you with this, because they will have the skills for it – and it will save you a lot of time and money overall this way.
Those are the main things to bear in mind if you want to move offices without the stress. As long as you think about these, you should find that this is much easier to achieve.
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