If you're a blogger or just want to write more catchy and entertaining emails, you gotta check this out. Julie hits you with three things you must know to turn your blog posts and emails into the attention whores … [Continue reading]
How Budweiser Captures Hearts You've all seen the Budweiser Clydesdales during the Super Bowl. And how that brings tears to your eyes. We'll here's another twist on the heartstrings pull that Bud does right. Thank you Troy White for the post … [Continue reading]
Get Saucy! How Can Your Marketing Drive the Conversation?

Saucy Conversations In this age of Social Media, conversations capture buyers's focus. Shouldn't they be focusing on you? So today I was at Taco Bell. They have the cheapest decent fast food around and my kids love it too (which avoids the … [Continue reading]
Is Your Small Business Website Slamming the Door on Your Customers?
[youtube][/youtube] When they check out your website on their cell phone do they give up in frustration? It used to be people used their cell phones to call people. Then texting emerged as the communication … [Continue reading]
Kevin Hogan and Other Marketing Masters Teach You About Growing Your Business
[youtube][/youtube] Check out the Google Hangouts video above for some interesting insights about growing your business. Here are some nuggets I took away from the session. Get clear on what you want out of your … [Continue reading]