Productivity is everything in business. To make the maximum profits you can make, everyone on your team needs to be working hard and to the best of their ability. Lots of things can slow down the way your company runs, but thankfully there are ways you can give it a boost it if starts lagging behind. Here are some ideas.
Make sure you’re using the right business software
Doing things the old-fashioned way, such as using paper and other manual methods will cost you money and time. Doing so could even jeopardize your entire venture, since all of your competitors will be using more up to date methods. With the right computer software, jobs that once took hours can now take seconds meaning you not only boost productivity but you can also increase your security. Take lost data for example; this could have massive implications for your business. However, if you utilise cloud storage you have peace of mind that your data is safe, even if your local computers or hard drives are stolen or damaged. A flood, fire or theft taking your data would take a long time to put right, possibly bringing productivity to a complete standstill. On top of this, when you use software like cloud storage you can access your information securely from any computer, meaning you don’t even need to come into the office to work. There are different kinds of software for all areas of your business, spend some time finding the right ones for you’ll improve your productivity massively
Utilize freelancers, contractors, and third-party companies
Maybe you’re not in a financial position to take on more employees- this could be because you don’t have space on your premises for extra staff. It could be because you don’t want the additional costs and hassles involved with taking on new people such as advertising job roles, recruiting, interviewing and training. It could be a case of the work you need doing fluctuates, and you don’t want to take on a staff member because there are times when the work isn’t there. In this case, outsourcing is the way to go. You can employ individuals or companies to complete projects for you on your behalf, in some cases you can outsource entire departments to another company. They will already have the staff, equipment and know- how to do the jobs you need doing, making it much quicker and cheaper than trying to stumble through it yourself. Outsourcing isn’t just something that larger businesses can take advantage of; it’s also useful for smaller companies and even home businesses too. This is because as a small business it can be all hands on deck where you’re trying to get by with only a few employees. But ensuring everyone is working the role they signed up for and isn’t spreading themselves too thin will help with your productivity.
Allow staff to work from home
Micromanaging employees doesn’t improve their work, as proven by numerous bodies of research. Fussing over them and nitpicking is a waste of your time, and it also puts pressure on them. As the boss, it’s important that you need to find the right people for each job role in your company and then let them get on with their tasks. And since most businesses now utilise software to work online, you’re able to let your staff work remotely- at least some of the time. And it can have fantastic benefits; it can boost worker’s mood and reduce stress as it gives them the chance to work from home with their own comforts nearby. There’s no travel time or cost needed and you’ll have fewer people calling in sick too. Think about it; it’s far easier to get your work done with a minor illness if you know you can do it from your bed! Assign the workload for each day and set the deadline, as long as the work is being completed. This could be a great way to go in your business. Hiring remote employees will also allow you to take on the best talent for your business too, as you can open up your job roles to anyone in the world. You’re not limited to the pool of applicants that can physically get to your workplace. Your staff’s mood and happiness levels should be a high priority to you as the boss, as happy workers mean better work is being done. Just like the military and other organisations reward their team with coins and medals (see here) you can do the same as a company owner. Provide rewards and treats for good work, as well as incentives. For example, if you have a sales team, the top salesperson could be given a reward each year.
Give your office a new lease of life
A dull and dingy office can contribure to decreased mood in workers, which in turn can lower productivity. By a simple freshen up your workspace, you can make a significant difference to your workflow as well as the happiness of your workers. Your employees spend a large chunk of their day- and their life in general working in your office, and so it makes sense to provide them with a good space where they can do their best work. Lighting is so important, as well as good lighting being practical, it can also boost mood and reduce the risk of eye strain and migraine. Position desks close to windows to make the most of the natural light, and then make sure the rest of your office is well lit. Repaint the walls and lay some new hardwearing carpet which will stand the test of time. Change around the layout and add plants- not only do these look nice but have been shown in studies that they boost productivity in the workplace.
Be an approachable and attentive boss
Research has shown time and time again that being an overly stern boss can actually reduce productivity. It adds to worker stress levels which can affect the way they do their work. You’ll want to remain professional, but be the kind of boss that employees can speak to. That way you’re far more likely to find out about any problems in your company, where employees are comfortable opening up to you. This could be workplace bullying or harassment, or something that’s failing or not working as well as it should. As the boss you’ll be running things from the top, so need your workers to report any issues they’re noticing. If they don’t things could continue to get worse and productivity will be affected.
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