According to a recent survey about American Time Use, it was found that adults spend 40% of their day at work and working. And to say a hefty percentage of your day (night) is also sleeping, the portion that you’re at work is quite a lot. Some of us do have physically straining jobs that will use up some energy. However, the majority of us do not; we are sat at a desk, staring at a computer screen.
The crazy thing can be that even with all of that information about how long we spend at our desk, there are very few of us that do anything about it. And if you’re working for yourself and don’t have the occupational health team of a large corporation, there will be no one else there to check if your workstation is set up correctly and that you’re avoiding strains, as well as being productive. So here are a few little bits that you can be doing to make sure that you are using your desk space wisely, and are making the space a productive one too.
Get the Right Equipment
They say that a poor workman blames his tools, however, when it comes to back pain from a desk chair, if it isn’t a good one, you certainly can blame it for what it does. You need to have some good equipment around you when you’re working, or you’re setting yourself up for failure (or back pain). Get a chair that is adjustable in more ways that just height. Use rests for your wrists if needed, and get a computer mouse to make sure that you’re hunched over the keyboard less. It could be worth looking at some Side By Side reviews to get an overview of some equipment. You may have to spend a good amount of money on new equipment, so you’ll want to make sure that it is all worth the money.
Look Outside
If you have the chance to have your desk near a window, then take it. Having a desk near a window can help in a number of ways. For starters, you’re going to be near natural light which has plenty of health benefits for you. It can help to reduce screen glare, that helps your eyes, as well as being able to rest your eyes when you need to, as you can look outside for a few moments.
Stand Up
The more that we don’t move and the more that we sit at the desk all day, it can have an impact on our health. Large companies counter this by offering on-site fitness facilities or discounted memberships to gyms. But if you are only a small business, or you are the only person on your payroll, then that is going to prove to be difficult. A standing desk could be a good idea, or at least a desk that is adjustable to give you the option. If all else fails, make sure that you’re taking regular breaks and moving as much as you can.
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