Trade shows are a brilliant way for you to get your business a lot of exposure. You may even find that you are able to gain a lot of prospective clients this way too. If you do not feel as though you have the budget to put on a big display or if you want to make sure that you are not spending a lot of money on things that are not going to make a big difference, then this guide will tell you everything you need to know.
Start before you Get There
You need to put in a lot of work before you even get to the trade show. Ideally, you should spend a lot of the weeks leading up to the event trying to hand out pencils, t-shirts and everything else you can think of. You can also put out a hashtag for the event while also sending out image-rich tweets. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to put yourself out there.
Donate Something Unusual
Corporate pens, mugs and everything else related can seem unoriginal and you may even find that it ends up aggravating people as well. This is the last thing that you want to do if you want to stand out from the crowd. If you want to stand out from the big companies, then you need to try and opt for something quirkier and you also need to put your company branding on there. It may be that you try and create some company headphones, or that you opt for socks or even sunglasses. Some companies have even gone as far as to create Rubik’s cubes to push their branding. If you can do things like this, then you will soon find that it becomes easier for you to push your brand, and the chances of you standing out as a result, are huge.
Create a Buzz About your Brand
Buzz translates to conversation. You ideally want to try and provide your customers with opportunities, and you also want to encourage them to make conversation as much as possible. The term “keep it positive” is sometimes not enough. You need to step up and provide something funny, positive, inventive or quirky. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can get people talking about you. If you follow rules like this, people end up flooding to your booth and this can work in your favor. If you want to get some help with your trade show, then click here to get some awesome banners and advertisement material.
See who you Are Up Against
It’s vital that you do your research and that you also take the time to learn about who and what is being brought to the trade show by your competition. You need to look at more than staff, and also look into the visuals as well. Do they have a free “help yourself” box to try and gain customers? What does it contain? Is it candy? Cookies? Pens? Things like this can help you to understand how you can be prepared going into your trade show.
Boast your Features
If you know that your brand can be seen on a huge range of websites, then you have to use it as a focus point. You need to try and create a booth that actually accentuates features such as this so that you can make yourself stand out. It is a good idea for you to have shoutouts, such as “As Seen On” so that you can put this in front of any attendees you might have. The great thing about this is that it will generate curiosity and it will also get a buzz about your brand going.
Get a Good Display for your Business
There’s a high chance that you will have seen everything in your time as a business owner, and if this is the case, then you will know that even big companies sometimes have sad-looking displays. If you want to look both more invested, and more investable then you need to try and consider this as being part of your budget for the year. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you are able to make your display look fantastic.
Hand out Reusable Bags
Everyone who goes to a tradeshow will often come back with bags full of stuff. The biggest bag tends to win, and it becomes the receptacle for all of the other bags that are given out. If you can, you need to make sure that the bags you are giving out are reusable. This will help you to stop the environmental impact that comes with plastic bags, and it also helps you to stand out to those who genuinely care about the environment. If you can do this, then you will soon find that you are able to really stand out from the crowd.
Be Fun
A lot of the big dogs tend to be boring when it comes to industry events. If you want to stand out as being fun and exciting, then let it be known. Your competition probably won’t be that excited to be at the event anyway, but if you can show your enthusiasm and if you can make some noise, then this will help you to stand out. Throw an after-party and try to be friends with everyone. Nothing beats being young at heart, so make this known to everyone. If you can make your enthusiasm contagious then this will help you to be remembered long after the trade event, so keep this in mind if you can.
Socialize Well
Simple things such as creating a well put-together shirt can help you to create a long-lasting buzz. You just have to make sure that it is going to be something that people will want to wear. You also need to make sure that you are not afraid to ask people to wear it. Tell them that you will buy them a drink at any networking parties that take place after the trade show if you see them in it. Things like this help you to get in people’s good books and it also shows your human side, so keep this in mind.
Create a Video
At a lot of industry trade shows, you may find that executives tend to babble on about their company. If you want to help yourself to come across better, then consider putting out visual content as well. Create a video that shows what you can do or even try and stand out by having an interactive show. If you can use video marketing to your advantage, then this will surely help you out in the long run and you may find that it helps you to be remembered.
Of course, there are things that you can do to try and help yourself to stand out from the crowd when you attend your next trade show. If you follow this guide, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to not only get a good result out of the details that you collect, but also the people who come and see your booth. If you want to amplify your results, take the time to spread the word about your event long before the starting date. This will help you to make sure that you generate maximum interest, way ahead of time.
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