Almost every business owner has faced a time when they needed to make a tough decision. A key player has asked them to leave the business, and they’re unsure if they’re ready to walk away. Or perhaps the company isn’t generating enough revenue, and it’s time to end the chapter and move on to something else.
Whatever the reason, selling your business is never easy. It can also come with a lot of uncertainties and risks. If you need to sell your business, this guide can help you get started. Follow these 5 steps to successfully execute a sale, and minimize the fallout of selling your business.
Image by Tim Mossholder via Pexels
Step 1: Define What You’re Selling And Who Will Buy It
Sometimes even future proofed businesses don’t make it. You should cut your losses and start anew. And the first step to selling your business is to identify what you’re selling and who will buy it. This may seem simple, but it’s not as cut-and-dry as you think. What are the core values of your business? What do you want to get out of the sale? What kind of buyer will be interested in your product or service? These are all questions that must be answered before proceeding with a deal. Once you know what you want to sell, the marketplace will help guide where to look for a buyer.
Step 2: Decide When To Sell
The second step to selling your business is deciding when you will sell. This may seem like an easy decision, but it can be difficult. The most common reason for delaying a sale is the fear of giving up control. Unfortunately, by not giving up control and selling the business, you’re also not doing anything to better it. Other reasons people put off a sale are waiting for a better time or situation, wanting to get more money back from their investment, or waiting until they can see some other form of return on their investment. But if you wait too long, it could cost you more in the long run.
Step 3: Organize Your Assets
Organizing your assets ensures that you know what you’re selling and have all the necessary documentation to back up what you’re saying. This is important when negotiating a sale price. Suppose your business has a complicated history or needs to go through multiple steps to get ready for sale.
In that case, it can be helpful to put together a timeline of events with important dates, figures, and decisions that lead to your current situation. The timeline should include information about the company’s history, significant transactions, financial statements, employee numbers, and any other pertinent details that may impact the value of your business. The more detailed this document is, the better informed potential buyers.
Step 4: Develop An Effective Marketing Plan
Marketing is the key to a successful sale. It’s not enough to post an ad on a website or in the newspaper and hope that someone will come along and buy your business. You have to actively market your business, so potential buyers know it’s for sale, and they can be encouraged to pursue it. You should also include all of the information about your business in the ad. For example, potential buyers need to know how much money you want for your business, what type of property you own, how many employees you have, etc. This way, they know before they even contact you if they are interested in pursuing a purchase.
Step 5: Find Purchase Interest
Once you’ve created a solid plan, it’s time to find interested buyers. You need to start by creating a list of potential buyers who could potentially afford the asking price. But how do you make this list? An excellent first step is to go through your existing customer base and ask them if they want to buy your business. Then take the next step and reach out to people in the same industry as you but different from those on your customer list. The more people you speak with, the more likely you will find someone who wants to buy your business.
If you’re struggling to find interest, approach a company like TAGeX Brands. They can help you close the business and extract assets for future use or sale.
Selling a business can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. To ensure that you’re successful, you need to be prepared. If you go into the process without a plan, you’re likely to make mistakes that could cost you money and time. We’ve outlined these 5 steps to make the process as easy as possible. You’ll have an easier time attracting buyers and getting a fair price for your business — and you’ll avoid any costly mistakes in the process.