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Whether you’re on the pro or con side of the Donald Trump presidency, you can’t deny that he has achieved more of his agenda more quickly than any president in recent history (and maybe all time).
And he isn’t getting stuck in the mud of the bureaucracy in the process.
He is taking focused and specific actions that are in his realm of authority (whether he’s pushing the envelope of that authority is certainly up for debate). This allows him to move quickly rather than spending a lot of time waiting for others (i.e. Congress) to move on things.
What this means is he’s making change happen quickly and getting results quickly.
And that is something that is highly noticed and often well rewarded in business.
And if you’re an employee, you want to be able to demonstrate that you’re actively driving business results (and yes, you can do that in any position from the front desk to the corner office).
Or if you’re starting a new job it is even more critical to make that big, positive splash in the first 30-60-90 days. And having a good 100 day plan is critical to that success.
The 100 day plan isn’t a new concept. It is often used both for those implementing the plan as well as those on the outside evaluating an administration’s success.
It is common in evaluating political administrations as they come into office.
And it is common for leadership transitions in business.
Change is often both exciting and scary.
And people like to make assessments of a situation quickly. The 100 day plan is a way to do that.
But it isn’t just Presidents and CEO’s who can implement a good 100 day plan. You can too.
Whether you are a middle manager looking to transform a workgroup or project team to achieve your annual big goal (and get that raise or bonus).
Or you are a project coordinator or telecom construction manager or site acquisition specialist looking to make your mark.
Take these concepts and make them your own.
By implementing these you’ll rocket your career forward and be that “go-to” person everyone wants on their team (and that means future job opportunities where you set the terms, not them).
So back to the Trump example, let’s see what he did and how you can use the same concepts to replicate that success in your job situation.
Nothing great starts without a compelling vision. Something visible, interesting, maybe somewhat controversial.
For Trump it was “The Wall”.
He told everyone what he was going to do…Build a Wall (and it would be huuuge). And Mexico would pay for it.
You don’t get bigger and more audacious than that.
So what is your grand vision? Or one you can pull from the company goals?
Most big companies these days have a performance review process. As part of that process people are expected to set goals for themselves (or their bosses do it for them). In most cases these goals are designed to align with the company’s strategic goals. Whether that is delivering a big project (in my wireless telecom project that could be delivering the Plan of Execution (POE) – that is often another version of the client’s 100 day and annual plan).
So first you need to find out what are the important objectives for your company. And then ask and brainstorm how you can influence those results from your role and your team’s role.
Once you come up with that big goal or plan (in my telecom development world it could be “Start Construction within a Week of Site Acquisition Complete”). Those in telecom know that doesn’t typically happen. PO’s, landlord access issues, weather, materials. You name it, there are things that can derail you.
But this is a Grand Vision you and your team can very much understand. And then everyone on the team can bring ideas and implement things in their area of responsibility to make this happen.
But great things can’t happen without…
Trump didn’t do the standard politician thing of appointing bureaucrats to pay off political favors and do his bidding while screwing over the country.
No, he brought in top performers. Doers. Transformative Leaders. People with the same vision and implementation style (do it now and break the rules instead of just melting into the toxic beltway bubble).
It is the same with great companies.
You don’t achieve awesome results by micromanaging everyone. There just isn’t enough time in the day to do that.
You need highly motivated people driven for success.
Not all “A” players. But definitely a lot of “A” and “B” players who are motivated to succeed.
I’ve worked with a lot of these people over the years and have found you can accomplish so much more with good people who are compelled by a Grand Vision and their own desire to succeed and grow in their career.
They make things happen. They develop trust. And team members start having an almost psychic connection with each other where they complete each others’ sentences and just know what needs to be done.
You need to work with high achievers. And if you aren’t with them, you know who they are and where they are. Connect with them and start preparing to make your next move in their direction. Good people want to work with other good people. It makes everyone better. You need to be thinking that way.
Which takes us next to the…
No grand goal is complete without the key 30-60-90 day steps or milestones to get your grand objective accomplished. Trump used his knowledge of business, real estate deals, and project management (he’s known for getting projects done ahead of schedule and under budget) to lay out an aggressive but achievable plan.
You need to break down your plan in the same way. What are the intermediate steps or objectives that will get you there?
Lay out those building blocks. Look at the things that are limiting factors in your success.
Is it certain people you need on the team? Or certain skillsets? Or training? Or a re-engineered process?
Look at the details and your Implementation Plan will be your roadmap to success.
But that roadmap is worthless without…
You need to hit the ground running. The greatest plans are worthless if you aren’t willing to put in the action and hours to turn your vision into reality.
Trump is known for an incredible work ethic. He works all the time and never lets up. He’s passionate about his work and will not let laziness stand in his way.
And you need to do the same. Whether it is the start of a new year, the start of a new project, or starting a new job, or you’re in a turnaround situation.
And with the new smartphone age of super short attention spans, you really need to show incredible progress in the first 30 days of a new initiative or opportunity.
So bring that implementation plan, cue up your actions on Sundays so come Monday morning you’re hitting the ground and ticking off those actions and getting results quickly each week and over the first 30 days.
But what happens when you face others who are not on board?
Trump is known for his work on “The Apprentice” and his catch phrase, “You’re Fired!”
In his first days in the White House he demonstrated this by immediately firing the interim Attorney General who was actively undermining his position (by telling the bureaucrats under her to not follow Trump’s executive order that set certain immigration guidelines she didn’t agree with).
As with the AG, anyone who undermines his work, will likely be fired immediately and replaced with people who will commit to the vision.
And similarly, if you’re in a leadership position or a turnaround situation you need to be aware of who’s in and who’s out as well. And you’ll need to make appropriate changes quickly if you want to avoid the “naysayers” sinking your ship.
One of Trump’s biggest challenges is he’s bucking the system. And a lot of the bureaucrats who didn’t vote for him are vehemently opposed to him and his agenda. As such, they’ve they’ve undermined his initiatives by leading information to media (who are very willing to spread an anti-Trump message).
I’m sure that will lead to some action (like Reagan’s firing of the air traffic controllers) to send a message that will begin the transformation. Will it be a big impact in the VA? Or something similar? We’ll have to wait and see.
You may have to do the same. Gossip and negativity spreads like wildfire and can kill momentum. So you need to bring along those that support you, convince those that are on the fence, and replace those who actively oppose you (yes, you need some who will challenge you but support the final decision, but once that decision is made you can’t have people undermining that decision).
And the good 100 day plan you have will help you through that.
Like every great plan, it is often obsolete on Day 1.
Things change, often rapidly. And you need to be prepared with contingency plans. Backups to backups. And be willing to adjust your approach as new information presents itself.
The great leader will be able to roll with change and still align it to his master plan.
And you need to do the same. Flexibility is critical when you’re dealing with people and implementing rapid change. But if you can be flexible, you can get a lot accomplished.
Documentation provides clarity.
As you’re setting expectations with your team, being clear on what you want from them and how you’re holding them accountable is critical. Too often we do that after the fact or are not clear ourselves and expect everyone to figure it out themselves. Not a recipe for success.
That can be preparing a more formalized Project Plan that lays out your expectations for each person’s contribution. Or it can be job descriptions and definitions of success for each role that will help ensure the vision is achieved and the results flow.
And you also need to document your successes. And this can also then help you so you can…
So you laid out a great plan, implemented it, and saw success.
But did you forget to acknowledge and reward those who supported your vision and implemented their part successfully?
And it isn’t just about money (although that is important to hiring and keeping great people too).
Life is too short not to share success with others. And no grand plan is achievable without the contributions of your team members, vendors, clients, etc.
So make sure you’re providing regular and specific acknowledgement of the performers. And share those successes with the group and show how their contributions are getting everyone close to the goal.
This reinforces a positive feedback loop that reinforces success and energizes the team.
So what are you waiting for? Why are you still here? Go make 2017 awesome. Get started today. Start putting together your 100 Day Plan.
Need strategic guidance on your own 100 Day Plan?
Then contact me and see whether it might make sense to work together in some form (finding you that next opportunity or career coaching or strategic opportunity evaluation).
Regardless of how you move forward, make sure you do move forward. Life is too short not to. And you’ll find the ride is awesome!
They’re hiding in the shadows. Scared. Embarrassed.
Are they illegal aliens sneaking across the border in waves? Is the Trump Wall going to solve the problem?
Is that why they’re voting for Trump?
Actually No.
It is a different demographic. People hiding in the shadows for another reason. Hidden by government numbers that don’t count them.
No, not the ’49ers. This isn’t about kneeling during the National Anthem.
No. This is about those who have been unemployed for over 99 weeks.
While Over Half A Million People Have Been Unemployed For 2 Years Or More, the statistics don’t show that. And the government doesn’t want you to know that for sure.
They’re selling the shell game that draws you in with a rosy 5% unemployment rate that economists consider “Full Employment”. But dig under the hood and it isn’t really what you see on TV.
Try selling that to the ’99ers. Or to those who are now underemployed just to make ends meet. They’re not buying.
The data show that from 1967 until the Great Recession, people unemployed for at least 99 weeks never exceeded 5.6 percent of the total number of unemployed Americans. The 5.6 percent high was set in 1985. But currently, these 99ers represent 8.1 percent of the jobless, down from 14.5 percent in 2012.
So what is really happening is people are still not able to find jobs or find jobs at a level they had before layoffs hit.
And that is where Trump’s message hits home,
People know they are hurting. They don’t feel like anyone really cares. They’re tired of the establishment games of telling people they’ll help them then ignoring them after they’re elected. Or politicians and their cronies making trade deals that are killing industries that supported their towns for generations.
Whether that is steel, or coal mining, or drilling for oil or fracking. Or even at the state level. Like California, where the regulations are so restrictive and the taxes so high, that anyone who isn’t tied to the state for another reason, will move out of state (or out of the country) just to stay in business and stay competitive.
They aren’t going to take it any more. And so they’re registering to vote for the first time in years. They’re ignored in the polls because they’re busy scrapping and trying to put food on the table.
And will the half million 99ers vote for Trump? When no blog votes 100% in lockstep. But when you consider what they’re feeling and saying, I think that wave is coming.
After they lost their home in 2011, Zapasnik and her husband moved to a campground in Roebuck, South Carolina. He found work in a school cafeteria and as a custodian. She said that work pays much less than he used to earn.
Although Zapasnik thinks of herself as having been unemployed since 2008, she doesn’t count as a 99er anymore by the government’s standards. In South Carolina, she’s had some part-time work as an office temp thanks to an AARP program for people older than 55. She has also received a few offers for home health care positions, though she doesn’t want to go back to that type of work.
She said she’s currently unemployed, applying for jobs online but only occasionally receiving a response, usually a form letter saying her name will be kept on file. She said she doesn’t believe the official statistics reflecting a better economy.
“I don’t care what the government says,” Zapasnik said. “They’re lying.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loves to cast doubt on the government’s unemployment statistics. Zapasnik isn’t much of a Trump supporter but wouldn’t rule out voting for him. She said she hasn’t voted since casting a ballot for Ross Perot in 1992.
“To tell you the truth, we don’t really have anybody to choose from,” she said.
And the wave continues while the “Weekend at Bernie’s” crowd of Hillary Clinton political operatives scramble to make Hillary believable as a viable candidate and in collusion with the media, carefully craft messages that she’s leading in the polls and attempt to scuttle the opposition’s energy.
But Trump continues to pull mammoth crowds while Hillary struggles to fill a cafe.
And so they prop up the lies, hoping that the American Public will buy them one more time.
But we’re on to them now. It isn’t going to work this time. It will be a landslide. But not the one they were hoping for.
And he will put good, hard-working, blue collar people back to work. He will revive this nation. And the wave that thought they were voting for prosperity with Obama’s “Change” message will turn into real, positive change under a Trump Presidency.
And America will be great again.
Mohammad Ali passed away yesterday.
Ali was known for a brash, in-your-face, over-the-top persona. He was probably not just the greatest and most well known boxer of all time. He was definitely the greatest boxer-marketer that we have seen.
With Ali’s passing we’re seeing an almost eerie similarity in the rise of Donald Trump.
“It’s hard to be humble when you’re as great as I am.” – Ali
” I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.” – Trump
“I’m young; I’m handsome; I’m fast. I can’t possibly be beat.” – Ali
“I’m really rich” – Trump
“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see. Now you see me, now you don’t. George thinks he will, but I know he won’t.” – Ali
“We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning.” – Trump
“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.” – Ali
“I don’t know if Hillary will be able to run, she is a walking time bomb!” – Trump
“Braggin’ is when a person says something and can’t do it. I do what I say.” – Ali
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts.” – Trump
Both Ali and Trump had their passionate followers. And they also had very vocal haters. Both made controversial statements on a regular basis. Both were adept at manipulating the media to market themselves and stay in the spotlight.
If Ali had grown up in today’s world I have no doubt that he would have been as much a Twitter beast as Trump is.
So now lets take this to you.
Are you differentiating yourself from your competition? If you’re an employee, what are you doing to set yourself apart so when layoffs come, or opportunities for advancement present themselves, will you be able to benefit from that ever-present change?
Or are you just plugging along in your job. Head down. Doing the same thing day in and day out. Not driving to a new breakthrough. Not creating greatness. Not being that go-to person that everyone relies on – not making yourself indispensable.
Or you’re a business owner. And people look at you and your competitors and just think of you both as one and the same. What have you done to break that mold of average? What have you done not just to get 5% or 10% better, but Apple better. Leapfrogging the competition and leaving them in your dust? And have you marketed that? Kept in the limelight enough so that your clients would think of going nowhere else but to you for solving their most pressing problems?
“I am the greatest!” – Ali
Or are you creating a cause that people can get behind? Like Trump’s presidential bid slogan.
“Make America Great Again” – Trump
Market On!
Tonight Trump won Indiana, Cruz dropped out, and nomination is locked up.
So in celebration of Trump’s big victory and why he’ll do the same in the general election, here’s some of the posts I’ve written about the Trump Phenomenon over this nomination cycle.
Hopefully you’ll understand what has made Trump’s campaign work when there were so many who doubted or couldn’t see beyond the conventional wisdom or politics as usual (which went out the window in this campaign season).
Here you see the early disdain for Trump’s approach and his early versions of attacking the character of those who say bad things about him. In this case it is Senator McCain. This is also one of the first examples where the commentators are shocked that there isn’t more of a backlash showing up in the polls.
After showing his early staying power, the establishment starts to get nervous. And so the first Fox debate brings out “The Pledge”. They ask who won’t pledge to support the eventual nominee of the Republican Party. Trump is the only one who raises his hand. This became an eventual wedge issue between Trump and the Republican Establishment. A bargaining chip that Trump used to his advantage throughout the campaign both to keep the opposition off balance and to keep him in the news cycles.
This article walks you through the persuasion principles that Trump was using in his campaign to great effect. Principles that all politicians use but Trump took it to a new level and applied it from a different tack.
How Trump got Carson to support his position and renegotiate the terms of the CNBC debate. An interesting look at a high level negotiation. And how trump has learned to use the media to get his way.
A look at Trumps ventures – successes and failures. This was a big issue that the media and his competitors for the nomination tried to play. But everyone knew Trump had successes and failures. They didn’t really care about that as evidenced by his continued victories. They wanted someone who was willing to take the bull by the horns and knew the good and bad of business and was willing to get messy.
Trump got the brand out early, “Make America Great Again!” Simple, to the point, and something with a strong emotional connection after eight years of Obama. Here I compare the front-runner brands.
And finally, how the nomination was locked up. Now to be fair, Trump had some missteps after this post came out. And he could have imploded. But like a good negotiator and businessman, he learned from his mistakes and got better advisers to help him through that rough patch and then kept on winning.
Just because a poll shows you’re losing doesn’t make it happen.
America IS fed up with the business as usual climate of Washington.
So how will things go between Trump and Clinton? Hillary starts with a lead but that could have been said in the Republican nomination contest early on too. But with quite a few months to go, that will surely shift. Will Trump win? Will Clinton win? Only time will tell.
But it will be a fun race to watch.