If you’ve always wanted to become a freelancer but you were worried about making that move and taking the first step, you’re not alone. Millions of talented writers, artists, musicians, marketing experts, accountants, and consultants have all the skills required to do the work they need to do but who aren’t sure about how to change from being employed to working in a freelance capacity.
However, once you make the changes needed, most people will realize that it was exactly the right thing to do. Here are some of the reasons why becoming a freelancer is a good idea; read through, and maybe you’ll decide it’s time for you to enjoy some of these benefits.
A Flexible Schedule
One of the most significant benefits of freelance working, and one that is often the catalyst for making this admittedly big change, is the flexibility that freelancing offers you. You can choose the hours you want to work as long as you bear any deadlines in mind, and that means you can enjoy your hobbies and being with your family as well as making an income. If you need an afternoon off to watch your child play sports, you can. If you want to start work late because you enjoy going to the gym first thing in the morning, you can.
You can also change your schedule whenever you need to. Again, your deadlines are always going to be important; missing them means losing money and potentially clients too. However, as long as you can create a schedule that takes these into account, you can enjoy the advantage of flexible working.
You Can Follow Your Own Interests
When you become a freelancer, you can follow your own interests and work in an area you enjoy or have always wanted to become involved in. There are plenty of tools available to help you learn new skills if you need to; just check out Bookkeeper Launch reviews, and you’ll see the kinds of programs you can join. Once you have your qualifications and ideally some experience, you can launch your freelancing career. Just make sure that whatever you choose is a field that people are willing to pay for help with.
What you do in your freelance career may not be the same as you did or do in your employed career, although it could be a continuation of what you were already doing if that makes sense to you and it’s what you enjoy. Simply put, when you are a freelancer, you can choose to do anything you want to and finally have a job that lets you follow your own interests.
You Can Work From Anywhere
Did you know that a long daily commute (or even a short but stressful one) can cause health problems? Besides mental health issues, an unpleasant commute can lead to high blood pressure and even high cholesterol.
When you are a freelancer, your commute will be a thing of the past. Of course, depending on what you choose to do for a living, you may still need to travel around, but because you’re making your own schedules, as we’ve mentioned above, you don’t have to do it in rush hour, and you’ll be going to different places each day, making things much more interesting.
Most of the time, you’ll be able to work from wherever you want to, whether that’s a home office, a coffee shop, the beach, or wherever you choose.