When you’re chasing your dream promotion, it can be tough to stand out. The competition is strong, while opportunities to progress can be few and far between.
These days, getting noticed at work is a long and often tiring journey, but with the right attitude and some hard work – there’s no reason why you can’t start moving up the ladder.
Ready to try for that promotion? Take a look at some of the ways you can up your game to step up at work.
Depart the procrastination station
You might think that you work hard during office hours, but are you as productive as you think you are? If you check Facebook at various points of the day or get sucked into Buzzfeed – your hours spent at your desk might not be as worthwhile as you think. There are ways to stop procrastination that will help you to focus on the task at hand and get more done during the working day. Proving yourself shouldn’t have to mean working extra hours, it’s about being efficient with your time while you’re there.
Make your voice heard
Do you struggle to share your ideas at work? It might be time for you to start speaking up. Speaking up at work is never easy, but you can always try it by starting with a smaller audience first. Sharing your ideas in a one-to-one with your manager can offer you many benefits, and could lead to some new and exciting projects to work on. When you’re in big meetings, don’t be afraid to use your voice and speak up so that you start to get noticed as someone with something to say.
Improve your skills
Training is an important part of securing a promotion, and you should seek opportunities to improve your skills whenever possible. Take advantage of training courses offered by your employer, and seek opportunities outside of work to help you boost your skills. Learning a language is a great example of something you can do outside of working hours. If you need to improve your English, the Effortless English Club has some great tutorials to help you, or you can try learning another language that could present you with opportunities. Learning new things will keep your mind sharp, as well as show that you’re serious about your future career.
Be prepared to help out
Successfully achieving a promotion will involve demonstrating that you have the experience and skills necessary for the role. Without them, you could easily be passed over for someone else who does possess the right qualities. Find out more about what the next step entails and start putting your hand up to help out on different projects. Not only will you gain some valuable experience, but you’ll also get yourself noticed by others in the company.
While there are many strategies for landing your dream job, one thing you must do is earn it. Knuckle down, work hard and start doing what you can to stand out. Focus on continuous improvement to help you step up at work – your efforts will be worth it when you land that dream job.