They’re hiding in the shadows. Scared. Embarrassed.
Are they illegal aliens sneaking across the border in waves? Is the Trump Wall going to solve the problem?
Is that why they’re voting for Trump?
Actually No.
It is a different demographic. People hiding in the shadows for another reason. Hidden by government numbers that don’t count them.
They’re the ’99ers.
No, not the ’49ers. This isn’t about kneeling during the National Anthem.
No. This is about those who have been unemployed for over 99 weeks.
While Over Half A Million People Have Been Unemployed For 2 Years Or More, the statistics don’t show that. And the government doesn’t want you to know that for sure.
They’re selling the shell game that draws you in with a rosy 5% unemployment rate that economists consider “Full Employment”. But dig under the hood and it isn’t really what you see on TV.
Try selling that to the ’99ers. Or to those who are now underemployed just to make ends meet. They’re not buying.
The real story is this…
The data show that from 1967 until the Great Recession, people unemployed for at least 99 weeks never exceeded 5.6 percent of the total number of unemployed Americans. The 5.6 percent high was set in 1985. But currently, these 99ers represent 8.1 percent of the jobless, down from 14.5 percent in 2012.
So what is really happening is people are still not able to find jobs or find jobs at a level they had before layoffs hit.
And that is where Trump’s message hits home,
“Make America Great Again.”
People know they are hurting. They don’t feel like anyone really cares. They’re tired of the establishment games of telling people they’ll help them then ignoring them after they’re elected. Or politicians and their cronies making trade deals that are killing industries that supported their towns for generations.
Whether that is steel, or coal mining, or drilling for oil or fracking. Or even at the state level. Like California, where the regulations are so restrictive and the taxes so high, that anyone who isn’t tied to the state for another reason, will move out of state (or out of the country) just to stay in business and stay competitive.
So people are fed up.
They aren’t going to take it any more. And so they’re registering to vote for the first time in years. They’re ignored in the polls because they’re busy scrapping and trying to put food on the table.
And will the half million 99ers vote for Trump? When no blog votes 100% in lockstep. But when you consider what they’re feeling and saying, I think that wave is coming.
The Huffington Post Article shares one family’s story…
After they lost their home in 2011, Zapasnik and her husband moved to a campground in Roebuck, South Carolina. He found work in a school cafeteria and as a custodian. She said that work pays much less than he used to earn.
Although Zapasnik thinks of herself as having been unemployed since 2008, she doesn’t count as a 99er anymore by the government’s standards. In South Carolina, she’s had some part-time work as an office temp thanks to an AARP program for people older than 55. She has also received a few offers for home health care positions, though she doesn’t want to go back to that type of work.
She said she’s currently unemployed, applying for jobs online but only occasionally receiving a response, usually a form letter saying her name will be kept on file. She said she doesn’t believe the official statistics reflecting a better economy.
“I don’t care what the government says,” Zapasnik said. “They’re lying.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump loves to cast doubt on the government’s unemployment statistics. Zapasnik isn’t much of a Trump supporter but wouldn’t rule out voting for him. She said she hasn’t voted since casting a ballot for Ross Perot in 1992.
“To tell you the truth, we don’t really have anybody to choose from,” she said.
And the wave continues while the “Weekend at Bernie’s” crowd of Hillary Clinton political operatives scramble to make Hillary believable as a viable candidate and in collusion with the media, carefully craft messages that she’s leading in the polls and attempt to scuttle the opposition’s energy.
But Trump continues to pull mammoth crowds while Hillary struggles to fill a cafe.
And so they prop up the lies, hoping that the American Public will buy them one more time.
But we’re on to them now. It isn’t going to work this time. It will be a landslide. But not the one they were hoping for.
It will be a Trump-nado!
And he will put good, hard-working, blue collar people back to work. He will revive this nation. And the wave that thought they were voting for prosperity with Obama’s “Change” message will turn into real, positive change under a Trump Presidency.
And America will be great again.