The hiring process in a company can be a hassle, especially when you have many applications to go through. If you are not careful, you might disregard the good employees and hire people who are not well qualified for the job. The type of employees you get will greatly influence the production levels at the office. Here are some of the tips that will come in handy when screening the employees before hiring them.
Have a clear job description
One of the first things you need to do before starting the hiring process is to have a clear job description. It will guide you in determining the qualifications required for the job posts and what areas are the most vital for you. If you do not do that, you will keep getting applications from people who do not qualify for the job. It will make you spend more time going through the applications to get potential candidates for the posts.
Have a checklist
Once you have a clear job description, create a checklist. Ensure the list has what you believe your employees need to possess. It is what will guide you when you are interviewing the candidate. The checklist will also come in handy when you are formulating the questions to ask the potential candidates. Without the list, you will find yourself at a crossroads when it comes to the actual interviews.
Get the help of a hiring company
While the hiring process is something you can do in-house, it does not hurt to get outside help. A professional hiring company will go a long way to ensure that the employees you get have the right skillset. Many times you might need to go through various applications, which take forever. The hiring contractors can do this in record time and let you concentrate on the running of your company. You will only come in when they have a list of candidates that you need to make the final decision on.
Keep it legal
When screening employees, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to use illegal methods. Do not hire anyone based on their race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Your personal preferences should in no way come to play when hiring. If you are not careful, you might end up with a lawsuit in hand because of your hiring methods. Another thing you should never do is ask your potential employees whether they have family or plan to start one and whether they plan to go back to school in the future. Doing so means you will employ them based on how many work hours they can put in. Everyone deserves to have a life outside their career.
Bottom Line
The right hiring methods will ensure that you not only get the best employees but that you do not get on the wrong side of the law. When hiring a freelance employee, you need to ensure that you do your research well. It will help you get the best employees for your company.