- LC_24 / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
If you read the news ==> Lackluster Jobs Report
You’d either think everything is fine (unemployment rate around 5%).
But is it?
If you dig a little deeper you’ll find the true unemployment rate over 10% and no end in sight.
So what can you do? You feel trapped. Discouraged. Frustrated. Sending out resumes. Going to job interviews. Feeling like you’re just walking a treadmill with no end in sight. Finances tight. Wondering how you are going to pay all the bills if this keeps up.
Don’t Make This Mistake!
You could curl up into a ball. Stay in bed all day. Eat non-stop on the couch watching the daytime soaps. And feeling sorry for yourself.
Or You Could Do This Instead
Or you could redouble your efforts. Increase your interviewing skills. Contact people for referrals. Ask to do informational interviews to discover more options you may have overlooked. Pay a service to upgrade your resume with something that’s current, hard hitting, and highlights your strengths – often strengths you didn’t even know you had.
Or There’s Another Route to Go
But what if you’ve just had it with the employee route? What if you would rather work for yourself? Run your own business. Be the boss.
Tired of the employee rat race? Sucking up to bosses. Scraping by on that meager paycheck. And them expecting you to be grateful you have a job. Working you to the bone without recognition or a way to win.
Are you a go-getter with drive? Someone who doesn’t need to be pushed to get things done but jumps in and makes things happen. Is there a business that doesn’t require a lot of money to get started that you could just jump into right away?
Can you do landscape maintenance? Painting. Carpentry work. Accounting. Dog Walking. House sitting. Sales.
There are hundreds of businesses that can get you rolling again. They may or may not be your dream job. But they will start paying some bills and get your self confidence back.
Your Transformation
The other thing you may find is that when you start doing this you actually become more attractive to potential employers. Confidence attracts. And resignation as an attitude is the kiss of death.
So get out there and get going. By taking action you’ll start an incredible journey. Maybe you’ll never be destined to be an entrepreneur. But maybe you will. And you’ll find out a lot about yourself in the process.
That’s the American Way. We’re a pull yourself up by the bootstraps kind of people. We take charge and attack obstacles. We don’t wait for hope and change to come our way. We tackle it head on and make our own hope and change.
You can do it too. Jump in now. You’ll be glad you did.
And come back here to recharge your batteries, get inspired, and find new ideas to driver you’re new business forward. Need additional help and guidance getting things rolling? Contact me and we’ll talk. In the meantime subscribe and get more help driving things forward.