Do You Prepare as Hard as Rush Limbaugh?
Today was a heavy research day for me. Trying to prepare multiple blog posts to stay ahead of life’s distractions that pop up to take you off course.
Listening on the radio to Rush Limbaugh as I was driving around today, he had a caller who asked him how he prepared for the show. I pulled up the show transcript (link below) that shows how he answered a similar question back in 2007. The insights he gave are as beneficial now as when they were first given.
How does Rush do all his show prep?
Here are some key strategies that have helped Rush achieve the success he has in talk radio. Many of these strategies contain universal principles that can apply to you and your business.
They can help you and your business grow to the next level.
Whether you’re researching ideas to design the next marketing piece. Or creating an information product. Or just keeping tabs on your competition.
Select your trusted sources
Not all information is equal. If you’re putting together blog posts or info products or trying to stay on top of business news, you can easily get information overload. Who you select to listen to is critical. You only have so many hours in the day. Use them wisely.
Play the Angles
Everyone looks at the information differently. They all have a different frame. A different set of experiences. A different goal for consuming that information. That’s your niche. Find it and build on that.
Check out the Other Side
Rush doesn’t do this himself but he does have his team members check that stuff out for him. He always knows what the other side is up to. It is like checking the competition. You want to know where they’re headed. It always helps you to differentiate yourself and understand the other side’s hot buttons (or sales propositions).
You Can’t Get to Everything
Rush is fed information and only gets to 30% to 40% of it in a day. Any remaining good stuff will carry over. Another way to look at this is from a marketing perspective. You always want to have a full pipeline of hungry customers. That gives you the ability to choose who you work with, at what prices you choose, and when you choose. Keep that pipeline full.
You Need Help
Rush outsources the blog research to his team (on top of his own research). This allows him to get to information that he would just run out of time getting on his own. It also allows him to cull down to the best information. Are you outsourcing less critical functions to others so you can focus on the most impactful areas to your business’s success? If not, why not. You’re holding back your success if you’re not outsourcing.
It Isn’t All About You
Being entrepreneurs we often think things wouldn’t run without us. But if you have employees or joint venture partners or outsourced elements, you need to develop those relationships too. Be human. Be understanding. Give some of the credit to them. They’ll work harder for you and build you up more than you ever could on your own.
Now I understand that you probably already work 10 to 12 hour days running your business.
And I get that the last thing you want to do at night or early in the morning is research. But I would challenge you on this front.
Whether it is pure research, reading, etc.
Or it is working “On Your Business” while the other hours are focused on working “In Your Business”.
You need to get more out of what you do. Keep these tips in mind.
And you’ll find yourself preparing as hard as Rush Limbaugh. And getting the results you deserve.