Nowadays, not everyone sticks in a job from the moment they leave education, up until the year they retire. A lot has changed in the world and as a result, society has become more hungry with their careers, opting for a change every so often and sometimes a complete career path shift.
There’s no right or wrong career navigation because there’s a lot of flexibility now that many generations before didn’t get the opportunity of having. With that being said, anyone living in today’s working environment should take full advantage of this flexibility.
If you’re thinking of changing jobs or looking for a career path that suits your needs and passions, here’s how to write a show-stopping resume to secure that interview.

Assess and consider the appropriate length
The length of your resume is one to consider carefully because you don’t want it to be too long that it bores the recruiter and makes them switch off. Assess how long the average resume is and try to stick to that where possible. Typically, you want to stick to a max of two pages as any length longer than this is going to be too much.
There are some jobs that may warrant an extra page but this is typically in rare cases where the job requires an extensive history of experience and skill set.
Provide a short summary that’s personalized to each job
To help ensure your resume gets the spotlight of the recruiter’s attention, add a short summary at the top of the page. This is a little introductory paragraph or two that has been crafted in relation to the job you’re going for. Ideally, you want to change this accordingly to the job roles you’re applying for.
If you’re trying out your luck in multiple career industries, then you’ll want to make sure these have been written to cater to the job itself.
Take a look at professional examples online
To help build up a resume from scratch, particularly for those who are applying for their first job, take a look online for professional examples. Even as a seasoned resume holder, it’s good to take a look at other people’s resumes to see how they’ve created their own. You may find some interesting and insightful tips worth using.
Highlight all your personal and professional achievements
Your resume is an opportunity to boast and show off your skills and professional achievements. If there was ever a time to not hold back, this is one of those times.
With your resume, you want to include anything personal in achievements that is relevant to the job you’re going for. Unless you’re applying to be a swimming teacher, they don’t need to know what swimming certificates you have.
Make sure to incorporate all the necessary professional achievements and credits that will help give you that edge over the other candidates.
Be mindful of your font and design choices
When it comes to writing a resume, it’s good to be mindful of the fonts and the design choices you make. While it can be hard to stick out from a handful of resumes that all look the same, you don’t want to be putting bold and bright backgrounds to your resume or using a unique font.
Try to be considerate of the parameters that come with traditional resumes. Keep it simple, clear, and readable so that the recruiter isn’t struggling to understand it.
Proofread your resume or get professional help
Once the resume has been created, you’ll now want to proofread it and ensure everything is present and correct. If it isn’t, then you’ll want to make all the desired changes before submitting.
If resume writing isn’t your strongest point, then you might want to consider resume writing services. This can be extremely helpful for those that don’t have the writing skillset but could be perfect for the role and miss out due to a lack of resume quality.
Always make sure there’s a second set of eyes on your resume before it gets submitted.
Be sure to have all your references ready for the recruiter
Before you submit your resume, make sure all of your references are ready for the recruiter. Be sure all relevant contact details are correct and where possible, notify your references that they could get approached by your new employer in the near future.
Writing a resume is an integral part of getting that all-important interview. With that being said, use these tips to ensure you get the best chance of success.