People now rely on social media to a great extent. They most often use it as it offers marvelous things to do online with friends when bored. The use of such sites is becoming more and more important, and social media penetration is expected to hit new records by 2021. This will also increase the interaction and connection of people with social media.
Social networking site are the most powerful communication channels. Moreover, they offer a myriad of entertainment and opportunities.
It is essential to spend some time poring over the metrics and stats of the social media sites and know what works well and what does not work on such websites. This help in marketing efforts too.
Check out the 25 impressive social media facts explained in this article that will entertain and enlighten you.
Surprising Social Media Facts
1. Time Spent by Facebook Users
Facebook users spend around 10.5 billion minutes online. This excludes mobile devices.
2. Male vs. Female Ratio
The male vs. the female ratio of different social networking sites users is:
- Facebook: 40% male users and 60% female users
- Twitter: 40% male users and 60% female users
- Pinterest: 21% male users and 79% female users
- Google plus: 71% male users and 29% female users
- Linkedin: 45% male users and 55% female users
3. Social Media as Countries
If we considered social media as countries, then among all social networks, after China, Facebook would be the most populous country with almost 1.1 billion users. The third most populous country would be twitter with 554 million users.
4. Instagram Uploads
By its debut, Instagram already had 16 billion photos uploaded. This excellent social networking site has 5 million photo uploads daily.
5. Mobile Internet Access
91% of people access the internet for social networking. Among these, 73 % are smartphone owners who access social networking sites through the app at least once in a day.
6. Linkedin Company Pages and Endorsements
There are 3 million company pages on Linkedin. Also, there are 1 billion endorsements on this site.
7. Twitter Tweets
Almost 58 million tweets are sent out each day on twitter. There are 9000 tweets every second. Also, there are 222 million users on Twitter who are there to enjoy watching other people’s tweets.
8. Pinterest Pins and Repins
Almost 80% of all pins of Pinterest are the repins.
9. Facebook Privacy Settings
There are only 25% percent Facebook users who make use of privacy settings.
10. Facebook Logins
There are almost 23 percent Facebook users who log in to their Facebook accounts at least 5 times a day.
11. Marketers and Socal Media
Social media has great importance for marketers. Almost 93% of marketers use it for different purposes.
12. Pinterest Top Category
The top category of Pinterest is food, and it has almost 57% of discussions.
13. Facebook Referral Traffic
21% of the world’s social media referral traffic is by Facebook.
14. Twitter Logo
The bird in twitter’s iconic logo is known as Lary.
15. World Leaders and Twitter Accounts
80% of the world famous leaders have an account on Twitter. Although the frequency of tweets varies a lot from one leader to another.
16. Linkedin Professional Post Publishers
Linkedin has more than 1 million professional post publishers.
17. Linkedin Languages
You can use Linkedin in 20 different languages
18. Romantic Relationships
Social media habits don’t disrupt relationships. According to a survey, almost 74 percent of couples were happy that social media positively impacted their relationship.
19. Best Time For Twitter Engagements
If you desire to increase twitter engagements, then evening commute is the best time to push some great content on Twitter. Thus the best time to tweet on twitter is between 5 pm to 6 pm. Furthermore, the best day to have the excellent twitter engagement is Wednesday
20. Snapchat Users
Around 70% of all snapchat users are females.
21. YouTube First Upload
The very first YouTube video was uploaded on 23rd April 2005. It was the video called the “Me at the Zoo.”
22. YouTube Viewers Per Day
There are more than 2 billion viewers per day on YouTube videos.
23. Average Social User
An average local user on the internet has 195 friends.
24. Distinct Communication Networks of Twitter
Not all Twitter users use it the same way. This social network has 6 distinct communication networks. Knowing these will help you in targeting the right audience and communication. Continue reading this to know the importance of targeting the right audience.
These networks include
a. Polarized Crowd:
They discuss conventional topics like religion and politics.
b. Support Networks
These are the services or companies with customer support.
c. Broadcast Network
It refers to the people who do a lot of posting like celebrities and news sites.
d. Community Cluster
These people enjoy talking about certain new topics.
e. Tight Crowds
These people focus on certain topics or hobbies
25. Pinterest Best Days for Engagement
Pinterest categories get the most engagement on certain days of the week.
- Monday is for fitness category
- Tuesday is for tech-related pins
- Wednesday top engagement pins are of quotes
- Thursday is the best day for fashion related pins
- Friday is best for humor
- On Saturday you can share travel related stuff
- Sunday is for food and crafts
Final Words Social media is the main force of the world today. It has transformed the way we do everything. This bonafide communication platform is of great importance because of the unlimited entertainment and opportunities it offers.