Ask any reputable business person about productivity, and they will say things such as technology and teamwork. A company is only as strong as its weakest link according to conventional wisdom. No one in their right mind would say that spring cleaning is an essential aspect. Isn’t that something we only do at home to keep our significant other happy? There is too much going on in the industry to worry about dusting the surfaces or mopping the floor. Running a company is about working hard and investing in the brand and product.
Well, the following reasons disagree. In fact, they think that spring cleaning has a massive role to play, and here’s why.
Employee Mentality
If you believe YouGov, 45% of workers like their job. Although this is a relatively high figure, it isn’t a majority. On the flip side, 20% of people in the same poll said they neither liked nor disliked their job. They tolerated it, which isn’t a positive attitude regarding productivity. Employees work for a steady paycheck, and lots have days when they can’t stand the thought of going into the office. Hiring Office Cleanz to remove mess and dirt can change their opinion. Granted, a lot more will have to change but a tidy office is a start. Output revolves around the surroundings.
Office Distractions
Of course, some people love their work and wouldn’t change it for the world yet are unproductive. Why? It’s because there are too many distractions in the office. As much as they want to complete their tasks for the day, they can’t help but stare at a screen. And, human eyes are always drawn to TV sets so this will happen 100%. A spring clean is an excellent way to remove the junk that is stealing the office’s focus. Merely ask yourself a question: is it necessary? When the answer is no, throw it in the trash.
And Insight
Let’s look at spring cleaning from another angle. There you are, tidying away clutter that you think is a distraction when you stumble across an anomaly. It’s something that has zero meaning whatsoever, yet that the office wants to keep. Is it because it has sentimental value, or maybe they don’t like the idea of throwing it in the bin? Nope, it’s because it acts as a vehicle for output. Yep, cleaning the office can raise awareness of the tools that you didn’t know where useful. With this info, you can tweak the workplace to increase productivity.
Memory Loss
Don’t worry; clutter isn’t a leading factor in the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Memory refers to work memory, the part of the brain that deals with processing information. As you can guess, a dirty, cluttered office can impact the brain’s ability to digest data. As a result, it gets harder to complete a task that was once a walk in the park. In short, physical mess turns into mental clutter and that is why spring cleaning is critical to productivity.
What is your view on the impact cleaning has on output?