As we all know, a lot of stress comes from a bad work/life balance. But when you’re in this kind of hole, it’s hard to get out of it. It’s hard to make a change that you really need without rocking the boat in all other areas of your life, and you’re just way too tired at this point.
When this all adds up, how are you supposed to even approach trying to reschedule your days and make them better for you? Well, it’s not as impossible as it might sound. Indeed, we’ve got some great tips below that could help out right now. In our mind, it’s not about the result – it’s about the way you approach it, and that needs to be as healthy as possible!

Work isn’t Everything in Your Life
You have more than just work to get on with. You’ve got a whole personal life to dedicate time and energy to as well. And when you lump all of your effort into just the working hours you go through each day, your relationships can really suffer. Not only that, but your own personal ambitions may take a back bench, and that’s never good for a satisfied mindset.
Each Responsibility Deserves Fair Time
It’s always best to remember that each one of your responsibilities deserves their fair share of time. Say you’re in the middle of earning a preschool teacher certification – this course can’t take a backburner for too long! You’re trying to work towards your own betterment (always a worthy goal) and your professional schedule shouldn’t prevent you from giving at least an hour each day.
Take this approach in hand and apply it liberally. You may have a family to raise, or a load of house chores to finish; putting these off isn’t beneficial to anyone except that punishing work schedule. Fair time means putting the ‘work’ in as and when you need to, so if your job gets 8 hours, the rest of your life should get the other 8!
You Still Need (and deserve) a Social Life!
A social life has many benefits to it. Number one, being on your own is bad for both your mental and physical health. You need to be around others to stay stimulated, and feel like you’re living a life filled with love. And if you have any medical concerns, someone else being around takes the pressure off!
But more than that, once you do away with your social life, you allow more work to creep in. If you can’t make time now for the people you love and laugh with, you’re unlikely to be able to again. So set a hard date in your diary every week. You can work around this time, but never on it, because this is when you’re going out or having dinner with your friends and family.
Having a healthy approach to your work/life balance is all about setting boundaries. You deserve a balance!