You will definitely be aware of AI by now, but have you ever considered how it could be a game-changer for your company? That’s what we are going to explore in this piece: the revolutionary power of artificial intelligence and automation for businesses big and small.
What does automation actually mean?
Automated business software basically cuts your workload in half, while doubling your efficiency. It involves carefully coded programs that do the work of human beings, but twice as fast, with no room for human error.
Your company can use automation software to enhance your processes seamlessly, like an invisible employee that is always working day and night.
What are industry leaders saying about AI and business automation?
Leaders across multiple industries around the world are making headway by using automated software as their main strategy. Yann LeCun, a professor at New York University, said it best:
“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.
Artificial intelligence is extending what we can do with our abilities. In this way, it’s letting us become more human.”
Although AI has a bad reputation in movies, it can truly be used as a force for good!
3 Ways Automation Can Help Your Business To Thrive
Now let’s take a look at ways that your business, no matter how big, can thrive by using automation at the heart of its operations.
- Error-Free Accounting.
Accounting software is making accountancy much easier for small businesses, by giving them the option to put all their accounting through software rather than an actual accountant.
Not only does this save your business money, but it also allows your accounting, including payments, taxation, calculating overhead, revenue and more, to be completely free of human error.
- Low Employee Costs.
One of the greatest expenses that small businesses face are the employees who work for them. Employees cost businesses a huge chunk of their outgoing budget, meaning that if you can afford to hire fewer people while performing to the same standard, you should!
By using automated software you can save thousands, if not millions per year (depending on your company’s scale) by cutting back on staff and letting your computer do most of the work.
- Greater Opportunities For Revenue.
Marketing and sales are the two departments that drive revenue most of all. And while some jobs in those departments can only be performed by humans, AI sales automation has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. Your business can automate its data collection using revenue intelligence, which essentially collates and analyses all your company’s revenue streams.
By using this software, your business can analyse its revenue in a streamlined and efficient way, figuring out your next steps with a fully backed up strategy.
To sum up…
If you want to cut costs and revolutionise the way your small business runs, take our advice and start building up your automated services today. You could slash your monthly outgoings and be rewarded with a highly efficient, completely reliable system that never lets you down!
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