A friend of mine sent me a link to this Ted talk. To his “scary-smart” friends. He didn’t define who were smart, who were scary, and who were both. You be the judge…
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
– Albert Einstein
What this video really shows is how the more we learn, the more we find out that we don’t know.
That is why I’m always suspicious of things when people say something “Has to” be a certain way.
Climate Change or Ice Age?
Is “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” is a catastrophe just about to crash on our heads? Did we caused it?
In the 70’s it was the coming Ice Age. In the 2000’s it is Global Warming or Climate Change. How can we go from one extreme to the other?
First I don’t believe we are really all that powerful. Yes, we can impact our small part of the globe and a very microscopic part of the universe. But there are a lot of things much greater than us (even if you don’t believe in God) that can have a much greater affect on our environment.
You have volcanoes that can dramatically change the atmosphere in a big way (like contributing to prior ice ages).
Now that doesn’t mean we should just dump trash everywhere. But it does mean we need to be careful not to buy into Environmentalism as a religion or blame everything on human existence.
And we need to understand that we still must protect ourselves. I know many environmentalists would rather see the Earth transformed back into an ecosystem where there is no trace of human existence. But someone needs to be a realist too.
The problem is Science is also mixed in with a heavy dose of Politics. And Politics is also tied to Power and Money. And as we all know, power corrupts.
So what about Politics? What do we know about that? And how is the current political climate another example of people learning how much they don’t know?
Political Rules Out The Window
Will Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders as President of the United States mark the end of our country as we know it?
It might be the end of the Big Government, Big Media, Big Business Triad being able to sell us their brand of “Just shut up and be happy…and vote for us. We’ll do what we want and screw the taxpayer.”
The American Public has had enough of their lies and insider dealings at our expense.
The Political Class may not understand it and may not understand us. But this revolution of thinking is happening right before their eyes. The problem can’t be solved by them. Because they are part of the problem.
They think they are smarter than the average American. And even if that is true, it is a lot like a California weather report. What you predict at the start of the week rarely matches up to reality when that day shows up.
People don’t predict well because there are a lot more influences that shape things than people can effectively measure. And most of it is measured after the fact. And we’re all living the results rather than looking from outside the fishbowl.
That is why the American people can see the problem with Washington better than those inside Washington’s Beltway. They can’t understand our perspective because they never get back home to absorb our world or really listen to what we see and live daily.
What About You?
So what about you and your life? At work or running your business. Are there things you can’t see right in front of you because you are in the middle of all the chaos?
Too often we think that we can solve it by working harder. Or by learning new sales techniques. Or getting more funding.
But that often just masks what is really going on. And what is necessary to get better results
And to get those better results you often need something more dramatic. That can only be seen from the outside. By someone who isn’t entrenched in the day-to-day activities and can see the fishbowl that the goldfish is swimming in that the goldfish can’t see.
And that is where I come in. I’m going to pick you up and scoop you out of the fishbowl for a moment so you can see the bowl. Then when you get back inside you’ll recognize your environment for what it is. And make better decisions.
And who knows. Maybe you’ll discover the secret to the universe while you’re at it…
…and for a response and counterpoint to my arguments, check out the response post here:
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